"Very domestic of you," he kissed me quickly and started unloading the bags.

"I figured you could try my fettuccine Alfredo," he pulled out some chicken and placed it next to the stove.

"What can I do?" I asked while pulling out a bottle of white wine.

"Show me where your pots and pans are, then sit, and let me cook for you," he answered. I rolled my eyes and opened all the cabinets he would need.

"How is Maxine?"

"She's only eating when I'm around, but at least she's eating," I answered while pouring the wine.

"I'm glad Mike is switching your shifts. She needs you," I smiled at him, before taking a sip of wine.

"I raised her from an infant. She's my baby," I said and he put the chicken in the oven.

"Chicken should be done in about forty-five minutes," he said before taking a sip of his wine.

"When did you know you wanted to be a mechanic?"

"I was sixteen. I was driving with a group of friends to a campsite and the car broke down. I fixed up the car, using the skills my dad taught me and just was hooked after that," he leaned across the counter and filled my glass with more wine.

"My dad never taught much about cars, he was more into books and writing."

"You don't talk about your parents much," Josh observed and I gulped.

"They died when I was seventeen. Car crash," I mumbled and he moved next to me. He didn't say anything at first, then he pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," I said and he pulled away.

"Don't apologize. It was yours to bring up when you felt ready too," he kissed my forehead and I rested my head on his shoulder.


"For what?"

"For being so understanding," I looked up and kissed him. He pulled away slowly and held my hands.



We headed over to Steph's the next morning and brought her a tray of blueberry muffins. I knocked twice and Josh wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Hey guys," Randy greeted with a sleepy smile, "She's still asleep. Logan was having trouble sleeping, so she was up most of the night with him," he opened the door wider and I placed the muffins on the counter.

"Thank you for being here," I said and he smiled.

"I would do anything for Steph. She's really going through a lot and I wanted to be another person she can go to," he said back, before grabbing a muffin.

"I'm going to go up. Be back in a bit," I walked up stairs and into Steph's room. Her soft cries filled the room and I laid down next to her.


"I'm here," she turned and cried into my chest.

"Why is my life turning to shit?" she sobbed. I held her closer and let my own tears mix with her.

"He's out there Steph. He is going to come into your life and sweep you off your feet before you can even blink," I whispered and she laughed.

"He better bring me flowers. I never received flowers once with Tom."

"I will make sure he brings you millions of bouquets," she laughed harder and I joined in.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you back then. I always felt like Tom was never fully there like I was, so I clinged onto him more and pushed you away," she admitted.

"I forgive you because you left his pathetic ass and came to your senses," I stated and she nodded.

"Can I tell you something?" she asked and I looked down at her.

"I think I like Randy," I shoved her and she continued to laugh, "I'm serious. He dropped everything for me and we may or may not have kissed last night. I was slightly drunk."

"Ew! You kissed my brother!"

"Would you shut it? I don't need my whole neighborhood knowing. I really do like him, but we both agreed not to do anything until this isn't so fresh," she declared and I smiled.

"Well, out of all the guys in the world, my brother is one of the best, but I'm biased," I said and she sat up.

"So, it wouldn't be too weird if I started dating your brother?"

"It would be weird, but also perfect," I said, giving her another hug, "Anyways, I made muffins and they are down stairs," she pulled away and ran down stairs. I walked into the kitchen and she was already on her second one.

"Save some for your son," I pulled the tray away from her and she rolled her eyes, grabbing the tray back.

"He will only eat half of one," she said through the food in her mouth.

"He may not even want one. He's been so picky today," Randy stated and I looked at him with a warm heart. He really is the perfect guy for Steph.

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