Chapter Twenty-Two

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Waking up in Louis home is definitely different then my time in Italy. I used to be able to look out the window and see beautiful mountains the natural beauty of the world. The strange thing is even with the lack of fresh air and nature I still felt at peace like I am at home. This place is home and maybe even without Harry I should stay in the United Kingdom my child deserves to know about my home, it's home.

Shaking my head I remind myself it will be impossible to resist Harry. I believed he was my soulmate for as long as I can remember and if he apologizes I know I'll forgive him even if he broke my one rule. That's the problem with me I tend to forgive easily and I can't do that my child shouldn't be growing up with a deceitful role-model. Getting out of bed I head to my luggage and unzip. Scrunching my nose I remember that I have to wear something loose.

Pulling out black leggings and an oversized loose sweater I decide this will be the perfect outfit to disguise my growing abdomen. Going to the bathroom I decide to take a shower to wipe away all the makeup that remained on my face from the day before.

Trying to be quick I finish and head slowly down the hall due to the tingling of my tastebuds. Something smells delicious, when did Louis learn to cook?Heading to the kitchen I can barely hear what Louis and Paul are mumbling about over my growling stomach.

"Someone looks starving." Louis presumes gesturing with his eyebrows.

"Mhmm. What are making it smells delicious?" I question looking over the oven that's missing food.

"You're favorite food, you craved this all the time when you were pregnant." He states, looking at me in a way so precise I think he could read my mind. He couldn't know anything, could he? I wore heels yesterday I never normally would there's no way he suspects anything.

Playing it off as him trying to help me get over Harry I spoke, "Ohh pumpkin pancakes. Did you make them to remind me of what I lost because of Harry? That makes sense, but there's no need to worry I'm calling the lawyer as soon as I eat."

"I know." He stated looking into my eyes so deep I'm sure he could see into my mind.

Moving over to the table I put a pancake on my plate and took a bite, "I have no idea what you're talking about." I respond without acknowledging what he may or may not know.

Looking over at Paul I know he can read my mind as I question if he told Louis with my eyes. Standing beside him he shakes his head informing me that he definitely didn't say anything.

"I'm here for you Jess, but this isn't something you can hide. I have been your best friend for quite a while now and you know I would notice it before anyone. You're skin is glowing and you're wearing clothes so loose I would be shocked if the media doesn't figure it out too. You're pregnant and I'm guessing that if you're mom wasn't sick you would still be gone keeping this a secret. I'm guessing this baby is the reason you got your memories back the memories that you could have suppressed unconsciously." He informed me. Making an o shape with my mouth I'm sure he knew I was shocked. When did he learn psychology? How could he tell if I haven't seen him in months.

"You WERE my best friend. Past tense. Now you're merely an acquaintance who has a house in an area away from all the eyes and public. I'm not pregnant I've been wearing concealer and if I was it's not Harry's I met someone back where I was staying, someone good Louis. Harry betrayed me and you know that if I stay too long I'll forgive him it's a weakness that I'm not proud of, but it's a weakness for the most part." I spat feeling my voice break I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding
I really hope he'll believe that I'm over Harry and with Antonio. Faking my love for someone who I still haven't been on a date with I continued, "I am seeing someone that I will return to when my mother recovers." Moving my plate out of my face my appetite diminished. Running to the bathroom I could feel the bile rising in my throat. He knows. He knows I'm lying, but can I just hope he doesn't say anything.

"Jessica I know. I won't tell him anything, but we both know he'll find out one day" He mumbles quietly as I wash my face.

Scrunching my nose I look into his eyes, "No one needs to know I can just leave again I was able to do it for this long. I already lost all my friends here I don't trust anyone including him. Whatever you think you know just stop" I demand hitting his shoulder as I pass over him to grab my phone. Dialing the number to reach my lawyer I listen to the constant rings until she finally answers. "Finally, I have been calling you all day. Harry called me and told me you wanted a divorce and he begged me not to go through with it something about a manipulator." Susan states in a confused tone.

"I do want to file for a divorce" I insist looking over at Louis who's still standing by the bathroom door.

"Well you know I say this to all my clients, but are you sure? He loves you and I know how much you love him. You're love is what others wish to have you met your soulmate" I can hear the envy in her voice believing in "soulmates" and true love as if that could be real. Guys will never stick with one person they cheat, they look, and their type always changes. They're unstable.

"I'm sure please draw up the papers and let me know when you're done so I can come see you."

"Okay, I'll call you soon." She speaks changing back to her formal work voice. As I end the call I can see the anger in my friends face. Maybe because he thought I couldn't go through with it, but through the loud poundings of my heart I pulled through and did exactly what I said I would do.

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