Two Truths and One Lie

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Song of the Chapter:

"Lay it on Me" -Vance Joy

I'm so gone

Anyone could see that I'm wasted

You cut through

And I just wanna know what's in your head  

          Two weeks had passed since the incident at Raiven and Asher's house. Eliryn barely spoke to anyone for that time period. She wanted to keep to herself and avoid getting caught up in even more drama. The time went by so slowly that Eliryn had to do things to distract herself. She continued to run, only it had turned into an average of three runs per day. Whenever she felt lonely or needed a distraction she went for a run. Other than that, she reverted back to solitude. Her life revolved once again around anything she could focus on to keep her thoughts at bay. As Eliryn walked into the school on Thursday morning, she expected it to go the exact same way as it had for the past two weeks. She was wrong. Eliryn made her way to her locker after English and grabbed the things she needed for her Biology Lab. This happened to be her second class of the day, and it was the only one in which Asher and Jase were both in. She strode past them both to the table directly behind them. She was now seated with the kid who picked his boogers since Asher resumed sitting in his spot beside Jasen. No one had said a word about what happened and Eliryn tried to avoid any and all conversation with the group. She took her books and placed them on the lab table along with her pencil. Booger Boy sat down a few minutes later and turned to face her. They made small talk for the last few weeks Eliryn had been sat next to him. She learned that he wasn't that bad of a person, but he still grossed her out. He was staring at her intently today, like something had changed. A quizzical look took over his face and Eliryn turned to ask him what the hell he wanted when she heard his voice.


Eliryn remembered the last time they spoke. It was ultimately the deciding factor in her staying out of the group's way.


Eliryn walked outside behind Jase, the night air hitting her nose. She moved towards her car at a sluggish pace, waiting for Jase to say something.

"Well? Are you just going to stand there, or did you actually have something to say to me?" Eliryn raised an eyebrow at him.

"" he scratched his neck and ruffled his hair. "I think it would be best if you lay low for a while. What you did back there, standing up to Taryn, probably wasn't the best idea. She's going to come for you when you least expect it. It was a mistake for Raiven to even invite you here. You obviously don't belong in this friend group. You didn't even make it a day before fighting with someone."

"Excuse me?! How dare you imply that I was the one that instigated anything. You have to be really fucking blind to side with her on this. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you Jase, but you are obviously not who I thought you were if you let people walk all over you like that."

"Well Eliryn, here's the thing. You don't know a god damn thing about me! You need to stay the fuck away from me and my friends before you get yourself into more trouble."

"Fine. I'll go. Just know that you are all fucking stupid if you think a person like that deserves to be your friend."

"Hello? Earth to Eliryn!" Jasen's voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Want." Eliryn gritted out, her face stony.

"Jeez. Chill out. I just wanted to know if you wanted to hit the city with us this weekend?"

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