I give them a light smile. 'It's ok, I am not here to harm you, that's not who I am' I said calmly.

At that the little girl that looks to be 5 years old runs to me and hugs my legs.

I kneel and give her a hug. 'Thank you mister! They were so scary' The little girl said.

I smile. 'No need to be scared of them. They are nothing but cowards that beat up people smaller than them' I said still hugging her.

At that moment the bigger girl walks up to me and takes the little girl by her hand.

'Come on sister, don't bother the nice gentleman' She says nervously.

I laugh. 'It's no trouble miss, my name is Perseus Jackson, but you can call me Percy' I said extending my hand.

She takes my hand. 'My name is Amanda Johnson, Thank you for saving us' She said sincerely.

I wave my hand dismissively. 'There is no need to thank me, I hate bullies' I said smiling.

Then I get a good look at her face and see the man's hand imprinted in her cheek with blood oozing out of it wound caused by a ring.

I bring my hand up and cup her face. 'My, you're bleeding, hold on I can help with that' I said as I take out a water bottle.

I open it and pour some water on my hand. Then I bring it to her face and I chant in Greek. Instantly the water begins to glow and heals her face. There isn't even a handprint left.

The little girl squeals in delight. 'That was so cool!' She says jumping up and down.

I smile. 'Its just one of many skills I have' I said smiling.

Amanda seems shocked and relieved at the same time.

'What are you?' She asks amazed.

I shrug. 'I'm a demigod. Or at least I used to be. I am now a Primordial, pretty much stronger than any God out there' I said smiling.

Amanda looks at me confused. 'Gods are real?' She asks.

I nod. 'Yes, however they are a bunch of self centered, jacka- I mean jerks' I said remembering there is a little girl here.

She smiles when I look down on her.

'Yeah, I'm kinda a wanted "Criminal" even though I haven't done anything wrong' I said sadly.

She looks at me shocked. 'Wow I've only known you for a few minutes but I can already tell you aren't a criminal' Amanda says honestly.

I smile. 'Thank you, seems you're the only one that believes me. And they say Athena is the smart one, and she's the one that convinced Zeus that I'm a traitor and should be hunted down!' I said angrily.

At this outburst Amanda comes up to me and places her hand on my shoulder.

'It's o,k Gods can think whatever they want, You're a nice guy in my eyes' She said looking me in the eyes.

Wow, she has beautiful eyes, how did I not notice this before? I ask myself. My thoughts were interrupted by the little girl.

'Hey Percy, do you have a place to stay? Sister can he come with us?' She asks.

I smile. She is so cute! I've never seen a more adorable girl in my life. Grant it I've been fighting Monsters and Titans for almost 10 years.

Amanda smiles and looks at me. 'Well do you have a place to spend the night? You are more than welcome with us, it's the least we could do to repay you' She said smiling.

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