The only girl an all boys juvie.

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If you would have taken a look at me befor this happened you wouldnt think i would be stupid, reckless or dangerous but look at me now i am an a* student at school never failed a lesson or got below a A- i know nerdy but im not i was the badass girl at my school i had a personal stalker and he tried to get it on with me but i told him to stopso now hes in juvie now for 4 years(his names Austin. my dad died of leukemia two months ago he thought through it for 12 years then he said to me "dont do anything reckless after im gone ill always be looking over you no matter what i love you so much sweetie i do love you with all my heart TJ. (Tori Jade Moore) (TJ was my dads nickname for me and nobody is aloowed to call me that or your dead meat.)

my full name is Tori Jade Moore-low my dad didn't marry my mum and for that I am happy. I am 6'0 beach blonde I was a nerd but got bullied and turned into the badass-loner everyone called me emo girl. I have baby electrical eyes. I am the head of the soccer team its what I wanted to do when I'm older become a professional footballer it was my all time dream before this my mum happened. I have a flat stomach and have many piercings some normal and some unique.

Layla was THE BEST FRIEND anyone could ask for. me and her did everything together she was like me, we even got made fun of together. we even got made fun of together then she picked the popular crowd over me that's when I actually turned bad ass and started to stick up for my self but then Layla started to bully me and the she turned into the walking STD stick of the school. after I nearly killed Layla by fighting her everyone was scared of me except one person that was my personal stalker that is in juvie he was madly in love with me and would always fight for people talking about me behind my back and the we started to hang out the one day we went to a party and he drugged my drink and he raped me so that's why he's been in juvie for 2 year and now he has 4 more.(My personal stalkers names Jaxson, Jax for short he always calls me short cake or sweet cheeks)

anyway enough about the past and to the present day where i'm sat outside the court room. I am also quiet board. if you were wondering I was caught doing drugs, destroying private property, spray painting and attempted murder (REMEMBER WHEN I SAID I NEARLY KILLED LAYLA?)Now I am sitting in the lobby of the courthouse, waiting for my case to be called. the school wanted to send me away but my lawyer wouldn't allow it. he wanted them to let it slide for just this time.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the bathroom and soon after my mum caught up with me and asked "are you okay sweetie?" her voice cracking a little because she's still depressed from my dads death. I nod my head but I remembered she couldn't see me so I spoke up  "yes mum I'm fine, don't worry I'm alright" trying so hard not to break down in front of my mum and brother to show them that I'm a big girl that can handle her self.

then my older brother Seth said "you aren't convincing anyone with that act" my brother said in a whisper voice so only I could here him. my brothers names Seth Jack Moore-low he has brown shaggy hair and my eyes and also is one year older than me. he is 6'3 we get our height from our dad who is 7'0.

"it's hard. what would you do if you where in my position?" I was mad at myself for going down the wrong road with the wrong crowd.

Well you could have talked to me about it and I could have been your personal punching bag but you being you decided elsewhere!" now he was mad but  there is no point going there cos imam be happy if I go so I can clear my mind!

we walk over to Jack my lawyer, he was in his early twenties handsome and sexy, I guess he was surprised to see me in a mini skirt and tight top and not in black jeans and a black top he looked me up and down multiple times before he said anything.

1 minuet later

"he-hey" he managed to spit out will drawling and looking me up and down I was getting board so I decided to slap his arm playfully and he smirked.

"jack your my lawyer you can look but you cant touch until I'm out of the court house its against the rules". I whispered to him.

He kept his smirk on and said "you look so- - amazing" I smile and slightly giggle then he blushed at me smiling and giggling.

"after that a security swore me in "I solemnly swear that I will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" (don't ask me how I know this shit XD)

"your honor" Jack started "I think that you should let this slid she is an expelled student she has amazing grads and she is in a very bad depression stage" Jack sat down and said "that's all your honor"

but your honor the defending teams said "if she needed help she could have gone to a therapist or talked to someone and talked about her problems instead of causing more trouble for herself and deciding to go down the wrong path with the wrong crowd was her own choice that's all your honor"

the argument when on for two hours tops and then the judge decided four years of going to juvie would do so "Miss Tori Jade Moore-Low I sentence you to four years to chancellor juvenile hall" and slammed his hammer on his bock of wood.

Seth was holding mum in his arms trying to calm her down I felt real bad about it until I was enveloped by my mum I squeezed her tightly but I ended with my mums hand flying across my face.

"I'm sorry mum" then she did it again she slapped me twice as hard as last time.

"after what just happened and all you can say is your sorry what is wrong with you?" she went to slap me again but Seth grabbed her arm and "said leave it mom there's no going back now".

"Seth I'm going to the bar I wont be home for a few days your in charge take her to the place at 6:30 in the morning to go to her new home for four years" I looked at her with an emotionless face so that they could see that I was hurt. a tear slipped down my face and I didn't notice till Seth was holding me and wiped the tear away and said "tori, it's okay. shhhhhh". he rubbed my back and carried me to the car.

once we was in the car Seth said "there's something you should know about the juvie deal". I just sat there waiting for him to answer.

"they didn't have room in the girls juvie wing so they put you with the boys instead" he said in a pissed voice and so was but that's good because I don't get on with girls easily. at school I usually have boy-friends and no girls but don't kinda excited but frightened of what they are going to be like round me ill be the only girl there and if anything happens to me ill be everyone's walking STD but nah that wont happen I don't think It might but it don't occur that it will.

"umm that's okay"

first chapter finished

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