Chapter 2

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Back at the Dorms

On the way back to the dorms it was nothing but silence during the whole ride. Namjoon tried to break the silence by starting convocation with Jimin, but it didn't work. Not even the radio was on it was just silence.

When they finally got to their dorms Namjoon called for a team meeting, and he got a little ticked of because it took all them ten minuets to get there.

When the last two Taehyung and Jungkook arrived the meeting started.

Namjoon started off by saying," Can someone tell me why tell me how it only takes one fan to get yall to be quiet, but I tell you every day to be quiet and you keep talking?"

He waits to see if anyone replies, but no one does so he starts again" Now I called this meeting so Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung to solve there problem with each other. First it is Jimin's turn."

Jimin was shy at first but he stood up to speak, and he made sure he looked straight up at Jungkook.

He spoke with pride," Jungkook I have tried to be there for you in anyway I could, so I was really hurt when that fan asked who you would choose, and you chose him. I did everything for you, I would even die for you Kookie."

Jungkook was shocked and speechless by what Jimin said but he just kept talking," I would jump in front of a bullet for you..."

He took a deep breath and said his final words" Jeon Jungkook I LOVE YOU... I love you more than you could ever imagine. I've always loved you, and nothing will ever change that."

After those shocking words from Jimin he sat down, and everything was quiet again.

" Wow, that was more than I expected from Jimin" Namjoon said" Now Jungkook your turn."

Jungkook stood up and looked at Taehyung who was sitting next to him and started to speak," I never knew that you felt that way about me, and I'm sorry that I didn't pick you but there is a reason I picked him that only me and Taehyung know."

Everyone was curious about what Jungkook was about to say next, so he continued" We wanted to wait to tell everyone this over dinner, but this happened so I guess I have to tell yall now... I picked Taehyung because me and him are a couple."

The exact moment everyone was shocked by the news. Most people didn't know to be happy for them or feel bad for Jimin who just spilled his heart out to Jungkook, but Jimin knew his feelings just well enough to get up and throw his chair at a wall (no on was hurt during the throw) and stomp off to his room.

When Jimin threw the chair everyone jumped back in their chair and sort of relaxed when he left, but not Jungkook.

He felt bad for telling Jimin about him and Tae right after he spilled his feelings about the love he had for Jungkook, so after taking a good two minuets to think about he went to Jimin's room.

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