Brad Requested Imagine

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From your first date to your wedding


And yeah we are 14 but Brad's parents dropped us to the zoo and walked around by themselves and sat by themselves at Bills.

Our first date was great, we went to the zoo, to be honest it was the best date well my only first date really. Brad is my only boyfriend. 

After the zoo we went for dinner at Bills, and I loved it. It was a very relaxed dinner and I loved it. I never thought Brad was a sweetheart. 


I already met Brad's parents, countless of times. But now his meeting mine, his nervous but they met him as my best friend, so nod he has to meet them as my boyfriend! 

We get there. We go in. "Mom, dad you remember Brad right?" asked Katie. "Yes of course, come on in. We are having fajitas and chips. Now come here Brad, skateboarding. Now come on can you teach me how" said dad. "Yes, of course" said Brad. They go outside. "Their not coming back in, are they?" asked Katie. 

In the end my parents loved him. 


Today we are going on a date for New Years Eve and I am really excited. I go put on a red dress and black heels, my hair is curled and has braids going over my head. 

We soon make it to where he organised. We soon go over and sit down and eat. After we eat we go down to the water and stand there looking at the sunset. 

"Katie we dated since 14 and it was amazing, we were so in love and still are! I love you so so much and will you marry me?" asked Brad, kneeling down.

"Katie we dated since 14 and it was amazing, we were so in love and still are! I love you so so much and will you marry me?" asked Brad, kneeling down

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"Yes!" said Katie. We kiss. I am marrying the love of my life.


We waited a year till we marry and it's finally the day. My wedding dress is simple and suits me well. My shoes are just simple white heels. My hair is curled and going down my back with a simple flower headband held on my head. My make up is simple and I love it.

I walk down the aisle and I see them standing there and I smile to myself. 


"I love you so so much, I have always loved you and I will always love you for the rest of life, I can't go on and on cause I#d probably annoy you senseless. I love you so so so much!" said Brad.

"I love you so much more! I will always love you and I always loved you for my whole life and I will always love you, your my soulmate I believe" said Katie.

We then swap rings and kiss. 

The reception is great and I loved it and so did Brad.

Our honeymoon was magical. 

I hoped you liked it, Katie! It was really fun to write!

Lorna Xx

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