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So as I know and you probs don't I do higher level English. Do I like it?
No that's something I hate to admit, I love writing but do I love English?
Poetry, Shakespeare are not my forte.

I once said I wanted to be an author, but I lost my idea when I realised how HARD it is to get published.

I'm not a quitter but I am probs not strong enough to go through not getting published so.

I'm not saying I'm a good writer, I am still young but I will hold up on being an author for later on(lol when I'm in my mid twenties.)

I am sure you guys have like this book and the first two. Will I do a part 4? Probably not. I am doing a separate imagines book though, for ALL members of The Vamps.

And yeah I hope you guys like that. Once this book is done, I am starting Tristan first.

I want to say...... you are all amazing people, who deserve recognition for your work. I am sorry I haven't update maybe.... just maybe brad fanfic yeah my laptop is broke. Getting on Xmas(next Monday:)) but yes, I will update majorly that day and after!

So yeah I'm going coz my phone is too hot:) hot damn!

Lorna Xx

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