Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

That was all of it, until Andrea came.

I didn't know what was wrong with her because every time I'd try to start a conversation, she would ran towards the opposite direction. It was honestly irritating. I thought at first, she was just adjusting towards a stranger like me. But whenever our parents would agree to meet us up, she'd be a bitch — I couldn't help not to match her stance.

One time, she told me that 'I was a disgrace to the community' and that 'Blonde people will hate me' just because I dyed my hair blonde. I suddenly ranted that I did not want to be with her and that she's ugly! Of course she, out of nowhere, threw her book at me! That really freaking hurt. It was a damn encyclopedia!

In return, I consoled myself that I finally did it! I finally had her attention which she greedily never gives.

I knew she wouldn't talk to me when I saw she had a book on her lap. She liked to pretend I didn't exist. More so, when she's face to face with her books. Even though my head did hurt I couldn't help but to feel a smile spread across my face. When Antonio stared at me, I briskly feigned hurt.

It was then I did everything just so I would catch her attention... just to get something off of her. It felt like an accomplishment. From doing random things that could put her blood boiling, to making her eyebrows furrowed, and having her nose and cheeks reddened from crying. Some days, the guilt would haunt me but then I'd watch her squint and roll her eyes and shout at me. Maybe because I always wanted a little sister, I knew I had Jazmyn but she was still a baby. Andi, however, was just few years younger than me. Her reactions were fun to look at.

One day, one of my cousins (step cousin), Jacques visited me. We were extremely close, even though he's from England. Because together with Ryan and Chaz, we always loved to play pranks on people. He was fun to be around with. We were always on the same boat, same wavelength — but maybe we were too much alike that it became a problem.

When he met Andi, something inside me ticked off. It did not help how he told us that he had a huge crush on her. I was, instinctively, became protective over Andi. She was a friend... a little sister. I did not like him for her. So I became distant with him.

When we had this annual gathering for kids every summer camp, that's when mine and Jacques' friendship officially drifted apart.

We had this play about a certain fairytale where I got the part as the prince and Andi as the princess. Jacques however was a knight together with two fellow boys. After the play had finished a sudden commotion happened backstage. I briskly ran towards the said place as I heard Andi's name along with the gossip.

Where were the fucking adults?!

I couldn't help but to curse.

Drenched in her pretty gown was a girl bawling her eyes out as she was sitting on the wooden floor. But what really caught me off guard was a boy dressed in an armor suit standing in front of her, protecting her from the cruelty of Andi's cousin and her friends.

"What happened here?" A teacher came but everything became blurry as I watched Jacques gave Andi comfort.

I felt I couldn't move as I saw him lending his hand out for her, my breathing hitched when she accepted his hand back. Damn. Didn't her father teach her not to hold hands with a guy?! And as if it wasn't enough, Jacques pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Fuck." I cursed, my hands formed into tight fists. A sudden pain clenched inside me. Without no one noticing, I walked away.

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