Chap. I

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Johnnie's POV:
   Finally after about six months of homework, test, the lunch they try to past off as "food" and boring classes the first day of summer was here, which means a long day of playing baseball at the sandlot with everyone. Well I don't really play but I keep score and help with any minor injuries.

   After getting changed and eating breakfast I went to grab my notebook and my makeshift first aid kit—which was really my old lunchbox filled with different sized bandaids, sanitized wipes, tweezers, and sunscreen.

   I quickly slipped on my old blue and white chucks but before I can step outside mom called me to the kitchen. "Yes mom do you need something?" she gave me a small nod before handing me the phone.

"Hello?" "Johnnie?! Hey how are you?" My confused expression changed to a wide grin when I realized who it was, "Scotty, I'm great I was on my way to meet up with friends but they can wait a for a little while?"

   I then heard two laughs from the other end "Huh? Who else is there with you?" "Who else could it be if I'm heading back home" then it hit me "Oh I forgot, well then tell Benny I said hey." "You can tell him yourself, after all we'll be at the house in an hour or two." "Okay I will. Anyways I should probably start making my way to the corner store to meet everyone, see you guys soon" we then exchanged short goodbyes.

   I put the phone back on the receiver, shout to mom  that I was living and ran outside I grabbed my bike off the lawn and started riding towards the corner store. When I arrived I can see the grouchy look on David's face, the impatient look on Harley's, "And what took you so long your usually the one here first."

She has a point but it's mainly had to do with the fact that I like being on a simple schedule but because of waking up late, mom stopping me, and talking to Scotty my schedule got thrown for a loop not that it a big problem but I guess to David and Harley it is.

"Sorry I had a late start getting ready and I had a phone call, but I'm here now so let's go." Instead if let them answer I just pushed off and started riding towards the sandlot, and with a short look over my shoulder I can see everyone following there bikes—minus Fingers who was in his wagon that connected to his brothers bike.

Thankfully it wasn't a long ride since the moment we past the gate into the field every hopped off there bikes letting them crash onto the floor and getting there equipment ready while doing small stretches. While I put my bike on it's kickstand grading my notebook and first-aid kit, and start making my way to the dugout opening to a new page of the endless scores I kept.

And while preparing the score sheets I keep thinking about seeing my brother again after so long, I feel like he'll be proud of me for going and make friends and not working constantly on new rockets and pages of note on astronomy stuff. Even thought he was the same as me we both grow and change for the best. I can't wait for him to show up.

Word Count: 661

A/N: First things first as you can see I started over, why bc new year, new title/cover, new me so I want to show the improvement I have on here and Ao3.
Secondly I looked up popular shoe for the 70s and chucks was the second most popular besides platforms and I don't think teenagers would wear those for baseball.
*P.S: I count like three times on my fingers to get the number of months right so I hope it right*

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