Chap. III

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Smalls POV:
   As we walked it felt a sense of calming nostalgia of when we used to ride our bikes with the guys. Long conversation about anything that comes to mind, and dumb inside jokes–that still gets a little chuckle out of me– oh how I missed it. But now we're walking to see the new kids that took our spots.

  After a quick stop a Vince's store to get some snack and drinks, we rounding the corner and neared the entrance of the Sandlot. Walking in we seen Johnnie sitting in the dugout, some blonde boy at home-base, a brunette girl on the pitchers mtn., and dispense around the field was two more girls–one a brunette the other a blonde–and four boys.

We wait for the pitch and watched as
The blonde boy hit it make a loud crack ring though the air and sent it flying towards us. On instinct Benny raise his hand to catch it, he takes a couple of steps back and catching it in his hand with a soft smack. Turn back to look at the field to look a the group then a loud shout started everyone out of the confused daze.

   "Scotty!" They all turned to look at the dugout before trace there gaze to a sprinting Johnnie. Soon he collided either me and almost knocked me over, but I didn't mind I just wrapped my arms around him and gave him a little squeeze. "Johnnie!" I yelled back with the same amount of enthusiasm.

   After a few minutes we let go of each other and stepped back " Look how tall you've gotten and your no long staying inside making thought rocket?" He shook his head "I still make them but not as much, I'm usually out here keeping score just for fun." I then turned and grad Benny's arm pulling him closer to us.

   "Johnnie hope you still remember Benny, I men it has been awhile since you to seen each other." Johnnie just looked at us for a few seconds, eye shooting back and forth before smirking me and Benny " Of course I remember him you only talk about him every time you called us." I flushed at his comment while gestures over to his friends.

   The group dropped whatever they were hold in the spots and walked over to us. "Guys this is my brother Scotty and best friend Benny." I raised an eyebrow at the way he said friend, wondering what's he's implying, but he just give me another smirk before he gestured at his friends " Scotty these are my friends David, Hayley, Tarqell, Saul, Sammy, Mac, Jenny and Penny." They all have a small wave as there names we said.

  "It's nice to meet all of you all. You can call me Smalls by the way, also we brought snack and drinks for you guys if you want to take a break." With a few hesitating looks directed at Hayley and David they agreed and we headed towards the dugout.

   "I'm so glad your spending the summer with us Scotty." Johnnie beamed, "Us to its been a while since we been home, and I really missed playing on this old field" I glanced over a Benny as he nodded in agreement, "Plus it's good to get out of that old creaky apartment and stuffy library." 

   I rolled my eye at the library comment but agree with the comment about the apartment. Sure it's old and creaky but if affordable and at a good walking distance from are college so it has to do for now.

   Soon we fell into easy conversations about ourselves and our time at the sandlot. Honestly it was nice but as I look over at Johnnie I notice something was a little of with how he interacted with Sammy. All most like there's something else there. Maybe I'll ask him about later.

World Count: 656

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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