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When we arrived back to the campsite, we were greeted by Mijoo and wonwoo. "Yeon! What happened to you?"

"I went to collect firewood and I ran into a wizard who cast a spell on me, making me lose my ability to walk."

"she sprained her ankle" hoshi said. He took a first-aid kit and started nursing my ankle. "do you know what you're doing?" he nodded. Soon after, my leg was bandaged up like a mummy. "gomawo soonyoung" i smiled at him and he returned a grin.

As i was about to walk away, he pulled my arm and i turned around. Wow, like the k-dramas...wait what? "yeon," he said, calling me by my nickname for the first time in 7 years. "were you serious just now? About liking me?" i nodded slowly. "then, will you be my girlfriend?"

"umm...y-yeah..." why the hell did you stutter bae jiyeon? A smile appeared on his face as he pulled me closer to him while wrapping his arms around my waist. I immediately hugged him back. I think i watch too much k-dramas that my life has become one. "you have no idea how happy i am right now" he said as we pulled apart. Me too hoshi, me too.

"you need some rest, i'll wake you up when dinner's ready, and i'll explain to the teachers about your leg." He told me while helping me to the tent. "thanks hosh"

"pabo, stop thanking me" i giggled at him.

(time skip)
"where are we going?" i asked him.
"you'll see"
"but why cover my eyes?"
"it's a surprise"

"you can open them now." All i saw in front of me was an old abandoned building. "what's this?"

"it's the first place we met." Oh. Right. Star orphanage. "it's not a very nice place," he started "but i always come here when i feel down." I imagined him sitting down on the hard floor, leaning on the old walls, trying to recall about his childhood. "it's like the old times replayed again" i finally said.


No one would have imagined that a simple and sad looking building could hold the most precious memories of all. No one would understand it, except the people whom once lived in it. I looked at my childhood friend, the one who understood me, still understands me, and the one who made me smile in my darkest times. And smiled at him, knowing that i am finally


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