Where It All Started

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It all began on a warm spring day, warm, but not too warm. It was almost perfect but the same dread had me in a miserable mood as always. All the drama. All the stress. Same thing every day, people accusing me of lying and hating me for no reason. It gets too stressful, you know? But that's when it hit me, I don't need this, I need to take care of myself. I decided today is the day I do what I want, not what other people expect of me. I got out of bed , went straight to the kitchen, ate delicious pancakes that melted in my mouth (due to pouring too much syrup) and called my parents. "Mom, Dad, I'm moving to Fort Worth , Texas" "What? Why?" My parents questioned. "I can't take the pressure anymore, at least for now, I just need to take a break from Youtube right now. I'll start again, I promise, it's always been my dream and you know that. I know you guys would support me no matter what though so I'm not scared to tell you guys this." "Jake will be crushed." My parents said obviously disappointed. "I know but I need to do this for myself, you guys understand right? I'll make a video explaining myself. I know my fans will support me, they always do." Later that day, I got finished filming and editing my video. Sure I felt bad but again, I really needed to do this.
          "Hey.. Jake.. Look, I'm sorry man. I'm not going to be on YouTube for awhile.." "Wait, what? Why?" I knew Jake would be surprised but I could really hear the sadness in his voice, I almost felt guilty. "You know all the drama that's been going on, I just need a break. I just finished editing my video on talking about the hiatus and I'm sure everyone will understand, right?" Jake didn't answer for a second but then he said, "Yeah I guess, I mean I know they'll miss you as much as I will on there but I understand and hopefully they will too." "Thanks bro" I said, "Did I tell you I'm going to Fort Worth.. Texas." Again, Jake took a moment to answer, "Wow, that's crazy, I just hope you find what you're looking for. Good luck." "Thank you so much." I quickly replied, "I have to go, I got the quickest flight I could, but thank you again. I'll miss you." Jake started to sound more lighthearted and said, "You're welcome, I'll make sure to fly down there sometime" "Bye Jake, I'll talk to you soon. Love you, bro" "Love you too man" he replied.

Logan Paul Loves A Good HorseWhere stories live. Discover now