Chapter 21

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**Mikaylla's POV**

"Who's your boyfriend?? I wanna meet him!!" Josh said

"He's gonna bring me lunch today. You'll meet him then"

"Oohh, is he bringing me lunch?"

"I don't know"

I spent most of the morning helping customers and packing online orders.

"Hey Mikaylla? Do you remember that lady that came in a few days ago and asked for t-shirts? Do you remember where we put her number" Josh asked coming into the back

"Yeah," I came from the back and gave Josh the number

"Thanks I don't know what I'd do without you"

Ryan came walking in the door with a bag hung around his arm and 2 cups in his hands

"Hey man"  Josh said as Ryan set the stuff on the counter


"What are you doing in my store?"

"Came to bring Mikaylla lunch"

"Oh, her boyfriend is suppose to bring her-HEY! Why didn't you just say Ryan was your boyfriend"

I giggled "not everyone knows yet"

I went around the corner and hugged Ryan

"You smell good" I complimented


"Go enjoy your lunch. I'll watch the store" Josh said

Ryan and I went to the back and sat at a table

"I got you a salad as you requested" Ryan said

"Oh, does it have blueberries?"

"Of course"

"You're the best!"

"I try" Ryan shrugged

"What did you get?"

"A sandwich" Ryan said picking up his sandwich and examining it

"What's your plans for the rest of the day?" I asked

"Wait for you to get off work"

I chuckled and kissed his cheek

"I like it when you're nice to me"

I kissed his lips and laced our fingers together under the table

"I don't wanna go on tour"

"That's not true"

"Ok, I do want to go, but I don't want to leave you"

"Its only what a month"

"Yeah, 4 weeks"

"I'll come see you. I promise"

"Wish you could be there for my first show. It's in Colorado"

"I wish I could go too"

Ryan and I finished lunch and I went back to work

"I'll see you later." I said giving Ryan a quick kiss

"Ok, have a good rest of your day"

Ryan walked out of the store and I went back to work

"Y'all are disgusting" Josh said as I came back to the front

I laughed "I know. I hate myself sometimes"

"I'm glad you're happy though"

"Yeah, me too"

"So, what's your plans for this weekend?"

I shrugged "Ryan leaves on Friday so probably just work"

"Wanna go to the Philadelphia store with me?"

"Sure, when?"


"Yeah. That will be the perfect distraction"

After work I went to Ryan's house, but he wasn't alone.

"Sorry. I didn't know Vinny was gonna come over" Ryan said as I came in

"Its ok. Don't worry"

"We should watch a movie" Vinny suggested

"Is that ok with you, Mikaylla" Ryan asked

"Yeah, fine with me."

I cuddled with Ryan on the couch while we watched a movie. I already miss him and he hasn't even left yet

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