Chapter 7

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(8:30 am)

I wake up differently this morning.

My head wasn't on my normal pillow, it was on Sugas lap

I keep trying to fall back asleep and suddenly he wakes up

He looks down at me smiling continuing to play with my hair

I know he didnt know that I was awake

So without him knowing I was awake he carefully puts my head down on my pillow as he was getting up and kisses my head and leaves the room

When he was out of sight I got up and started to fangirl a bit until it got a bit out of hand and my wings came out and set my room on fire "HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT!" Suga rushed back to my room and then called Jin to put out the fire
I cough a bit and Suga walks up to me "what happened"

I try to come up with an excuse but nothing good enough came into mind "I don't know it just happened"

Suga: "Did I wake you up?"

"Pffft no. What are you talking about"

He tilts his head in the middle of what I was saying. I know he didnt believe me

"ok ok well I was already awake when you were asleep and I was tired so I tried to get back to sleep but then you woke up" I explain "but I didnt want to freak you out by me saying anything as you were playing with my hair and plus it feels good" I start to cover my face with my hand as I was starting to get embarrassed

"and then I kissed you... I should've left you the way you were" he says starting to feel guilty

"No its fine. Its cute" I smile uncovering my face
We walk into the living room and Jin and Kessho were hugging our two Maknes "YOU HAVE GROWN UP SO FAST" Jin says hugging Kookie

"I AM A PROUD DAD I AM" Kessho says

"AND YOU MAKE ME A PROUD MUM SON" Jin says excitedly

We were confused so we decide to split up all our members "what's going on" I ask


Kookies face turns red and takes Cate by the hand back to their room

Before they got to the room Kessho and Jin said one last thing "I HOPE YOUR NOT DOING ANYTHING INNAPROPRIATE YOUR STILL MAKNES REMEMBER"

Kookie slammed the door

I decide to walk in and see what RM and Naomi are doing

I slowly open the door and Naomi was in her closed coffin sleeping and RM was laying in bed comfortably sleeping so I decide leave and check on the other members

(Meanwhile in Naomis room)

Naomi wakes up to the sound of my footsteps and forgets about the lid of her coffin and accidentally bashes her head on it "Ah fuck!" She yells waking up RM

He walks over to the coffin and takes the lid off and checks on her "are you ok?" He yawned

Naomi laughed and rubbed her "head yeah im ok"

After he yawned he noticed that she was without a shirt again "uh Naomi"

Naomi looked down and laughed "op did it again"

She got up from out of her coffin and walks out into the living room and sits on the sofa with RM still shirtless and not giving a shit

(Back to me checking on people)

I walk into Taylor's room and im literally melting the frost on the floor but other than that I see Jimin curled up sleeping in Taylors fur "how cute" i say to myself and closed the door

I know Taylor might be a bit shocked at first but you never know

Next I got check on Kera and V

I open the door but Kera wasn't  in her bed but she wasn't out there either...

I walk over to V and i see Keras head peaking up out of Vs wings

I decide to leave them alone so they get more sleep

I walk out of their room and Mirain and Hobi must've already woke up
There was an announcement on the buzzer in our room

"All hunters such as beasts, vampires, werewolves and ghouls please go to the the undercover area in front of the woods. All Magical creatures such as unicorns, painters, pegasis's and anything similar go the the performing arts building, thank you"

Sorry I forgot to mention this earlier but KAccadamy has certain days for certain supernatural being due to there being not a lot of teachers. But this isn't necessary so lets get back to the story

Hobi walks out into the living room and sits in the chair in front of Naomi and RM not realizing that she was without a shirt until at least 10 seconds later

And of course Naomi was on her phone not aware Hobi was in front of her until he made the girliest scream I have ever hear


Naomi looks over and shrugs and RM tries to cover her chest with his hands "why don't you put some clothes on " RM says "No no im comfortable like this" she argues

RM refused what she said and pushed her into the room to get changed "You cant hunt in a bra" and shuts the door

(meanwhile in Taylor's room)

She heard a lot of yelling from outside her room so she wakes up and realised there is something in her fur

It seemed to be Jimin in his blanket but he was snuggling up to Taylor

Taylor seemed to not be bothered by Jimin at all she thought it was rather cute but still decided to get up

She carefully puts Jimin's head down and changes back into her human form only leaving her ears and tails.

She walked into the living room with everyone else "good morning"

"Good morning" we all reply

And she comes to sit down

I look at Taylor "is Jimin ok in that freezer of yours?"

Her eyes widened and raced back to her room

There Jimin was on the floor curled up in a ball and his hair was frosty

Taylor turns back into a fox and carries him put into the living room, puts him on the floor and lays close to him so he was warm

I light the fireplace and Jimin was normal in no time

RM, Naomi, Kookie and Cate all had to go to their class

"Goodbye everyone" Cate says cheerfully

We all wave goodbye and Jimin was just in time to wave too until he falls back down and falls asleep in front of the fire

Taylor has to leave the room because she cannot stand the heat and walks back to hang out in her room

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