Chapter 2 - Home Alone On A Friday Night

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Cassie stopped on her way home and picked up some BBQ takeout. It was Friday night but she wasn't going to go out.

Marc was out of town on business and would be calling later. She missed him and didn't want to miss his call.

When Cassie got to her apartment she kicked off her shoes and set the food on the counter. Her apartment was a luxurious large 1 bedroom on the 8th floor with a balcony overlooking the city. The view was spectacular! She would often sit there, sipping on a wine cooler, just to watch the sunset and the city lights turn on.

It was such a romantic spot and it's where she first made her move to seduce Marc. <She sighed>

If it wasn't for the well paying job at Stafford's, she would never  be able to afford anything this nice. Fortunately, her salary was a little over $100K a year and she got bonuses for bringing in new business. She had to admit, she was a very lucky girl.

Cassie wanted to get comfortable so she pulled off her blouse and skirt and removed her bra. Walking around barefoot on her plush carpet after wearing heels all day and only wearing panties always put her in full relaxation mode.

She picked up her remote controller and turned on the TV to the local news channel. It wasn't long before they were reporting on a story about the National Guard raiding a museum not far from where she lived. They confiscated paintings, statues and rare historical books.

"Those bastards" she shouted.

Just then her phone rang. The caller ID showed Dennis (Skip) Morgan,  her right hand man in the resistance, on the line.

"Hi, Skippy! What's up?"

"Hey, Delilah! (Delilah was Cassie's code name within the resistance) Have you seen the news about the museum?"

"Yeah, I just watched it. I'm so pissed right now!"

"What are we going to do?" Skip sounded frantic.

"Call everyone in for a 10am meeting tomorrow and we'll try and come up with a plan. Do you still have that contact in the Guard? We need to find out where they've taken everything."

"Way ahead of you boss lady. I've already sent him a text. I should hear back from him later tonight when he gets off duty."

"'re the best! I don't know what I'd ever do without you!" and they ended their call.

Cassie stomped around her apartment cursing under her breath. "I need to calm down. It's 6:30pm and Marc will be calling around 8. I don't want him to know how upset I am. It will lead to questions that I'm not at liberty to answer."

She knew...that Marc knew...that she had friends in the resistance movement. Who else would she have wanted all those weapons for! But she didn't think he suspected anything more that that. He didn't know she was not only a part of the resistance, but the resistance leader in the Orlando area. She wanted to tell him, but knew this might be dangerous for him. If anyone were to find out he had collaborated with the resistance, they would lock him up and throw away the key...or maybe worse! She didn't want to think about that!

Cassie turned off the TV and put on some music, grabbed another wine cooler and her food and took it out onto the balcony and sat at the small table she had there.

The warm breeze felt good against her skin. She was high enough up that unless someone in a nearby office building had a telescope, no one would ever know she sat on her balcony topless. And if someone did see your heart out fellas. Today was your lucky day!

Cassie finished her food and went back inside. It was getting close to 8pm and she wanted to be ready for when Marc called. She went into her bedroom and found the nearly transparent negligee she had worn that first night she had spent with Marc. She pulled off her panties and slipped the negligee on. It was light green to match her eyes with thin shoulder straps and came down to her mid thighs.

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