Chapter 2: Amber Celeste

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Mom and Dad have been yelling too much. Always yelling, always. At me, at each other. It never stops. So I make up my mind, heading outside and walking along the trail that leads to the lake, that great expanse of water that stretches for a mile one way, two hundred feet across. It was a river, at one point, but the dams have gradually refined it to a lake, instead.

The rain patters gently on the water's surface, sending little ripples in every direction. It's a nice, soft rain, the kind you get after a long winter, when everything becomes so fresh and green. I keep my umbrella over my head as I sit down on the end of the dock, not caring if my butt gets wet from the damp boards. I can always change when I get back. For now, I just want to enjoy the weather. The wind is warm and light, bringing in the delicious scents of dirt and rain and new growth. I fold my umbrella and set it down beside me, tipping my head back and closing my eyes, allowing the rain to wash my face, taking my bad mood with it.

I stay here for a good ten minutes, listening to the soft rumbles of thunder in the distance, feeling the rain gradually soaking through my clothes. With a sigh, I finally pick up my umbrella and move to stand.

A loud peal of thunder echoes across the sky, accompanied by a flash of lightening so close I can feel my hair stand on end. The sudden light and cacophony of noise startles me, and my foot slips on the wet wooden panels, my knee scraping down the edge of the dock. I feel my forehead slam into the pier, so hard I see stars, and before I can take a breath, I'm underwater.

The lake swirls around me as I sink, my head hurting so badly I can't think straight. I must have a concussion. I certainly hit hard enough. It takes a second for the panic to set in. I'm in a deep lake, alone, and I don't know how to swim.

I finally start clawing at the water, trying to breach the surface. Which way is up? I can't tell, it's all so dark. Every time I try to open my eyes, the water burns them, my lungs on fire.

I feel the back of my head hit something as the water throws me around, and Iinstinctively take a breath from the pain. The water floods down my throat and into my lungs, and I cough to get it out, which just draws more in. It hurts so badly.

A few seconds is all it takes for my head to start spinning. I can't move, can't breathe, can't even think. I squeeze my eyes closed and try, one final time, to get to the surface. But I can't, and I finally stop fighting. More water enters my lungs, which slowly stop spasming from the unknown liquid. I feel myself rising again, but I know it's too late. I relax completely, my body cold and unresponsive.


My eyes snap open, and I gasp and choke, coughing so hard my entire body shakes. Water pours out of my mouth and onto the ground, and I take deep breaths of the crisp, cool air.

I'm no longer underwater, instead laying on the bank of the lake, in the grass. I roll over onto my back and close my eyes, panting. It's still raining, washing the mud and dirt from my clothes, though the stench of the lake stays behind. It takes me several minutes to catch my breath, and once I have, I sit up, holding my aching head. I feel so water-logged, my mind practically swimming with it. I look back out over the lake, and around, wondering if someone saw me and pulled me out. But I don't see anyone. The lake looks as calm and peaceful as always.

Somehow, even though my legs are shaking and my whole body hurts, I manage to stumble back up to the house. My soaked clothes are making me freeze, my teeth chattering. I finally shove the back door open and trip inside, not thinking about what my parents will say when they see me in this condition. But Dad is passed out on the sofa, the aroma of liqueur heavy in the air, and Mom is nowhere to be found. Maybe she left. Permanently, or just to get herself more cigarettes. The only one my parents hate, more than each other, is me.

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