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Due to me not closing the curtains the night before, the sun awoke me at an ungodly hour. The plate of food still on the floor and the bedsheets a mess around my frail body. I doubted that Michael would be up but i thought it may be a good idea to apologise for the night previous. As I sat up I realised that I had slept a full night with no melatonin meaning I would not need my usual tablet in the morning. I checked the time on the black iPhone Michael had given me when i first arrived. It read 6:17. It was earlier than usual, but that could be down to the lack of medication in my system.

Stepping out of my room with a jumper being pulled over my head and arms I make my way down the corridor to the room I had fallen in the first morning. I knocked lightly at the door and cracked it open slowly.

In the bed in front of me lay Michael shirtless in some red boxers. His faded hair messy and sprawled over his pillow. His limbs were all in varying directions from his body. I would be truly lying if I said he wasn't attractive, but I could not think that way. I walked over to him and lightly touched his shoulder. He didn't budge so I touched his shoulder a little harder. He opened his eyes and smiled.

"I just wanted to apologise for last night. I was rude and should not have acted the way i did." I took a deep breath and awaited his response.

"Jazmyn I need you to understand everything I do is for your safety. Everything will become clear soon, I promise." He smiled up at me "what time is it doll?" I shuddered at the all to familiar nickname and rubbed my hand up my arm.

"About half 6 I think."

"Baby girl, why are you up so early. Come on" he waved his hands, clearly signalling for me to join him in bed. I shook my head quickly

"That would be inappropriate Michael, I'm sure you know that." His face was soft and caring. I believe he only had good intentions, but it would still be wrong considering our situation.

"Just cuddling Jazmyn. Or you can lie there and we wont touch each other in any way. Its too early doll" I hesitated but realised I was still sleepy. I debated my options before I felt my arm being pulled, and my body fell on the bed. It was slightly comfier than mine, and warmer too. I knew the latter was due to the extra body. The jumper I was wearing went to my thigh, but rose a little with all the movement my body had just made. It now rested barely covering my panties, exposing my hip bones. I didn't bother to pull it down, just simply pulling the duvet over my body. Feeling my eyes become heavy for the second time without any melatonin.

"I promise Jazmyn. I promise to keep you safe. Ill always love you"

My eyes shot open. How did he know those words. How could he have known.

Those were the words Grace would say every night before we would go to sleep.

The last words i ever heard her say.


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