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I had been staying here for a few days now. I can't quite say how long for sure, but it's been awhile. I miss my mum, Jimmy and Grayson. I miss dad and Robin's jokes. I miss my dog Bexley. Most of all, the nagging feeling of sadness for Grace was coming back.

I had started drawing again, I have gone through 2 sketchbooks already. Michael would check on me everyday. He'd wake me up and help me take my medicine, cook me a breakfast, sit with me and eat and then disappear to different rooms in the house while I drew. My headphones in, attached to the phone that i rarely used, disconnected from the world as a whole. This morning as i sat on my bed looking out at the sea, not even paying attention to what the pencil was drawing, i hear a car pull up at the front of the house. It wasn't Luke's loud car, it sounded quite a sporty car. I slowly pulled one headphone out of my ear and focused on the sound. A loud, pounding at the door. I tried to get up to answer but Michael's head popped round the door frame.

"Jazmyn i want you to stay in your room ok? I have a little something i have to deal with, I promise it wont take longer than an hour." And then he was gone in a flash of colourful hair.

My head was full of questions but i decided to just listen to what he said. I had yet to see him angry, and I did not wish to see it anytime soon. I left one headphone out in hopes of hearing the conversation, but there was nothing. No greeting, no invitation to enter, nothing.

I continued to draw and soon i had finished 3 pages. One of Grace's favourite tattoo, one of the ocean and somehow one of Michael. When i saw it i felt a tear prick at the corner of my eyes. Why had I drawn him? He had taken me from my home and my family. I cant trust him. He is not my family, and this is not my home. I sobbed. My brown eyes becoming bloodshot, my face getting that ugly puff it does when i cry. I threw my sketchbook and pencils to the floor next to my bed and curled myself into a ball. He had done this to me. I heard footsteps go past the door.

"Michael, i didn't know you had visitors?" A low powerful voice stated.

"Uh no i don't, its uh the neighbours kid. She wont leave me alone so I just put her in there with some water and biscuits until she leaves" i can imagine he is scratching the back of his neck.

I wont leave him alone? He's the one who wont let me leave. Neighbours? So there's other people who live round here?

I feel my tears fall harder, my breath catching in my throat.

'Make sure she heard nothing Clifford, or I will personally shut her up. We both know what happened last time i had to do that"


Whoop chapter 6 and I'm starting to know where I want this to go!! It currently boxing day rn so ye happy whatever it is when you read this.

Bye ly x

Castaway ۞Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang