Chapter 1. Get It Over With

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WARNING: Contains cussing and later chapters extreme violence.

"Get up!" yelled Dori. "If you want to go to that stupid school, you slut, you'd better do what you're supposed to." I got up painfully. My entire body still hurt from last night, when they found out I was applying for a school in Nashville. We had moved here a week ago. I walked to the kitchen. Every morning, I had to make breakfeast and do chores. It had been this way since I was 6. If I did something wrong, I was hit. Even if I didn't do something wrong, I was still hit sometimes. Both of them- Dori and Johnathan. seemed to take pleasure in my pain.

I started cooking bacon in one pan and eggs in another. It was still dark outside when I finished. Dori made me get up at 2:00 most days. On the weekends I only had to get up at 4:00. I knew Johnathan was up because I could hear him. I hurried to put food on the plates and set them on the table.

In my haste, one of the plates slipped from my hand. It fell to the floor with a crash. I froze in fear. Within a minute, Dori was beside me looking at the mess."Clean that up." She ordered. "And get drinks. You should know that by now, you stupid girl." I nodded without saying a word. I had learned the hard way(A/N- hey! thats a keith urban song. my bit of randomness) that it was better to keep my moth shut. " Well?" She demanded. "Are you going to do it, or are you stupid like your brother?" I wanted to yell at her for that. She slapped me even though I hadn't said anything.

"Now do as I say. You wouldn't want your little secret told to the world, would you?" I shook my head, frightened. I poured orange juice for Dori and Sprite for Johnathan. Dori gave me a peice of cheese toast and two cheese sandwiches. It was all I would get for food the entire day. I didn't care anymore. It had gotten to the point where I wasn't even that hungrey. Once Johnathan got downstairs, I went to my room, if you could even call it that. It was really just a closet with a couple of blankets.

Before I go on, I should explain some things. Dori and Johnathan are my parents, but they never wanted me. They wanted boys, because in thier opinion, girls were useless. Or at least I was. My older brother Nathaniel had not done like they wanted. He left as soon as he turned 18. And they seemed to blame me for it. Nathaniel told me that if I completed high school he would help me get away from them. Blackmail if you ask me, but it probably was the my way to get out of the country legally and not get caught. But I was still a idiot for agrreeing.

I had run aways so many times that I had lost count. But I never made it very far. The police always dragged me back. That's some thing else you should know about me. I HATE the police. I tried to tell them about Dori and Johnathan, but they didn't listen. Then I tried to tell them about Marcus, they said I was just looking for attention and kicked me out. I'm suprised they didn't arrest me when they saw my tatoo. But then, no one's been able to link the Angel Demons to me or vice versa. Or to who I am.

You've heard of the Four Winds rulers? Well (most) the storys are true. The Northern King/Queen, the Western Warlord, the Eastern Princess/Prince, and the Southern Lady/Lord.... we're the most powerful people in America. And sometimes in other countrys too. People listen to us. If we wanted to, any one of us could bring the entire U.S. down on it's knees. And when I say we, I mean I'm one of the rulers. Two, really. I control the sothern and eastern parts of the country. I am the Sothern Lady and the Eastern Princess.

By the time I got ready, it was time to go. Nathaniel had come from California to take me to the interview. He had sent a application. It was the only way you could get in. Nathaniel was waiting on the street corner for me. I climbed in reluctently. Running with my gang was so much better than school. But I had agreed, and I would stick to my promise.

I don't break my promises. Ever. Anyone could tell you that. No matter what the vost, I would keep my promises. "Please, please don't screw this up Bianca. This is a good school. When we get there, you have to demenstrate your talent." "K. What do you want me to make him do?" " Not that talent. Drawing." I said nothing and turned up the music. Lookin For That Girl by Tim McGraw was playing. I loved that song. I loved country music in general.

Except for Kei-his music. I would listen to only one of his songs because it reminded me of what I was fighting for. Isabelle and Andre. They was the reason I put up with all the shit everyone gave me. Nathaniel's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "After this, we'll go get Shadow, OK?" "Yay!" I squealed. Shadow was my Labradoodle. She was a present from my boyfriend (I think) David.Since I hadn't seen him since Marcus pushed him off that building, I didn't know what we were.

But he's alive, I know he is. When I got to the bottom, his body wasn't there. It was gone. If I have to tear up America to find him, I will. David is everything to me. When Nathaniel pulled into the parking lot, there were a lot of cars. Expensive cars. I could have some fun here. Nathaniel noticed were I was looking. "Oh no. You aren't going to cause any trouble here. The principal will tell me if you're doing anything you shouldn't." I sighed and decided I'd just get Two to do it for me instead. I walked up the pathway with Nathaniel. I hoped it wouldn't take long. I just wanted to get this over with.

A/N: Whew! That was a lot of typing. Love it? Hate it? Tell me please.

9/12/14- minor changes made

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