chapter 21-the news

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By popular vote, It's a separate chapter!! Have fun reading this cos I almost cried!

"I'm pregnant..."

Your words rang through the air and Astrid' s head as tears came to her eyes.

You gave her a bright smile as she started laughing and suddenly jumped on you in a hug.

"Oh my Thor this is huge!! I'm so happy for you!!" She cried as she spun you round, putting you down quickly.

"Sorry did I hurt the baby??" She worried as you chuckled,

"No Astrid it's fine, it'll take a lot more than that to hurt this little one.." you reassured her calmly.

"So, Dagur doesn't know?" She asked you hesitantly as you shook your head.

"No, no one except you and our village healer does..I'm just looking for the right time to tell everyone.."

"Well, we were planning on visiting Berk in the next few days, why not bring Dagur and Heather along and tell  everyone then?"

You thought for a moment, "what's the excuse for it?"

"It'll be strengthening ties in relations between the tribes!"

"That, it will.."


"Its been a while since I've seen Berk, hasn't changed apart from a few new dragons around!" You called to Dagur and Heather as you landed on the shores of Berk, Astrid and Hiccup running over to meet you.

Well I say run, Astrid was sprinting.

You hugged your brother and future sister-in-law before setting off to the village, Dagur's hand holding onto yours firmly.

"You know Hiccup, I think there's something wrong with either the dragons or (y/n).." Dagur started as you walked.

Astrid and yourself made eye contact and went pale.

"How so?" Hiccup asked, looking at you worriedly as you shrugged.

"The dragons won't seem to leave her alone! I mean look!"

Dagur was right, Sleuther, Windshear and Taran were very close behind you as you walked, making little looks around the area as if they were guarding you.

"Oh..maybe she just smells like Dragon nip?"

"Thanks Hiccup, what a way to compliment your sister when she visits you."

"I didn't mean that!"


"So, (y/n), I trust Dagur and Heather have treated you well?" Stoick asked you, slightly eyeballing Dagur in particular.

"Of course they have Dad!" You reassured him, earning a smile.

"Yeah, cheifing is busy as you know Stoick, but I'm pretty sure that (y/n)'s handling it well! Right?" Dagur asked you, looking a little concerned to whether you were actually taking the work load that being the queen of the Berserkers was well.

You smiled brightly at him and reassured all of his doubts. 

"Of course I am! I mean making sure the twins and Snotlout haven't gotten themselves killed has been like being in charge of an entire tribe anyway and I've been doing that for years!"

You joked, hearing your father laugh heartily at your joke, also hearing Astrid cackle with laughter as Snotlout told her to shut up. 

As you made it to the great hall, Astrid pulled you aside for a moment, "When are you planning on telling them?" She asked you calmly, clearly the thought of becoming an aunt and being the only one who knew about it was driving her insane. 

"I don't know..if I'm being honest, I'm a little nervous to.." You told her, watching the others sit down around the table having their own little conversations among each other. 

"it's ok, I understand. I mean I don't because I've never been..pregnant but you get it!" Astrid fumbled with her words and you chuckled. 

"Guess now would be as good a time as any right?"

"Hey girls! Once you're done having your little mothers meeting over there why don't you come join us?" Snotlout shouted over at you. 

Astrid glared back at Snotlout. "Speaking of which!" She raised her voice so that everyone in the hall could hear her, Stoick, Dagur and the others raising their eyebrows at this and at when she walked with you over to the table in between your father and Dagur. 

"What do you mean 'speaking of which'? None of our moms are here!" Ruffnut asked her as Astrid sat down next to Heather, looking up at you expectantly as you blushed. 

"Yeah..about Hiccup noticed earlier how a lot of our dragons have gotten a little attached to me without much of a reason as to why..." 

You started nervously, scanning over everyone's faces. Heather seemed to have gotten it and Hiccup was also just beginning to, as their jaws were hanging wide open.

"Well turns out there is a reason behind it..I uh..."

You swallowed hard

"I'm pregnant..." 

A silence fell over the room, you looked at your father from the corner of your eye and the Dagur. Both of them looked astonished before Stoick burst up from the table and hugged you. 

"I'm going to be a grandfather!!!" He boomed around the hall, Gobber running up and cheering as he hugged you as well. 

Hiccup shot up from his seat and ran over to you.

"(y/n)..I don't know what to say! This is incredible!!" He exclaimed, clearly ecstatic at the news, and hugged you once Stoick and Gobber let go of you. "I'm gonna be an uncle!" He whispered, like he just now realized it before shouting out in the hall "I'M GONNA BE AN UNCLE!!" and running to Astrid to hug her, spinning her round as he left her dazed from his sudden outburst of overwhelming affection. 

Soon enough everyone had gotten their little shocks out of the way they came up and congratulated you. Heather and Dagur being the last to come up to you. 

Heather began crying and hugged you tightly. "I'm gonna be an aunty!" She laughed.

She pulled away and looked at Dagur, who also seemed to be tearing up. 

You smiled softly at him and made your way over to the overwhelmed Berserker. 

He stared at you in disbelief before a huge beam came to his face and he hugged you tightly, possibly even tighter than on your wedding night and mornings put together. 

"Thank you..I love you so much..." He whispered to you as he pulled away and sniffed. You giggled and wiped the tear away that was making his way down his cheek. 

"Thank you for what, hun?" You asked him, chuckling as his large hand rested on your small, but growing, stomach. 

"For making me the proudest Berserker that has ever existed.."

You laughed as he picked you up, spinning you around a little before setting you down and kissing you lovingly. 

"You're welcome..and I love you too Dagur.." You told him as he pulled away, both of you watching Stoick burst out of the hall and start shouting to the village "I'M GONNA BE A GRANDPA"

You burst into laughter as Dagur kissed your cheek, Snotlout boasting about how he would've had a kid by now, but Astrid and Heather weren't ready. 

He as thoroughly punched in the face twice to atone for his actions.

The twins also decided that once the child was born they would teach it how to blow things up, and Fishlegs was probably one of the most emotional people there and stating that a child of yours and Dagur's genes would be gorgeous, whilst continuing to cry out of happiness. 

Within a few minutes of Stoick and Gobber being outside and causing mayhem with their excited screaming, many of the vikings of Berk came into the hall to give you their regards, a lot apologizing for not having any presents even though they had only just found out. 

All of the time, Dagur wouldn't let go of your waist, his hand resting on your stomach gently. 

Forgiveness~ Httyd Dagur x reader  (Sequel to Betrothed~)Where stories live. Discover now