Chapter 14-Another Love lost

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Later that evening, once the sun had gone from the sky, Dagur had you sat next to him. With his arm wrapped as tight as you would allow it to be around your waist. You both watched in amusement as Tuffnut created various 'moves' for his Chicken and ended up making it lay an egg. You chuckled when Dagur asked him "Did you name all those moves yourself?" before hearing footsteps outside. You tensed up and looked at Hiccup with wide eyes before hearing Heather and Snotlout's voices ring through the air. "Get who out of here?" You turned around to watch the two walk towards the clubhouse entrance. "Oh no.." You whimpered as Dagur noticed Heather and jumped up from where he was sat, walking towards his sister, who began running at him with her axe. "Heather NO!!" You shouted at her and clamped your eyes shut as her axe stopped just inches away from Dagur's head. She looked at you as small tears came to your eyes and then back at Dagur. "So I guess a hug is out of the question?" He asked before being punched in the face and then having Heather drag you away from him. 

"Hiccup Haddock! I cannot believe that you kept my Heather from me! I was so worried! Was she alive? Was she dead?" "Oh please! drop the act Dagur! And you two, I can't believe that you were consorting with my mortal enemy!" Heather scolded you and Hiccup. You looked at the floor and gripped your arm nervously. "And now you're teaching him to ride dragons?! Have you lost your freaking mind?!" She gripped your shoulders and glared at Hiccup. "Heather he saved my life!" "And he's really trying to change!" "Its a set up! It's no coincidence that he turns up now! Before this mission!" "What mission?" You asked quietly, then remembering the multiple Terror mails Fishlegs had sent you detailing it in code. "oooh..." "Exactly!!" "Heather, to be honest, I thought it was a set up too at first..." Astrid said, setting her hand on the angry girl's shoulder, only to be shouted at and then left there to look shocked out of her mind. "He set me adrift as a child! He killed our father for Thor's sake! And he tried to kill everyone except for (y/n) or 'his love' multiple.TIMES!!" She snarled at you all, glaring into his soul. "Most, if not all of those things are true! But I am trying to change sister-" "Don't EVER CALL ME THAT, SPY" Heather told him, her axe inches away from his throat. "I'm not a spy! I don't know how I can prove that, so I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.." He trailed off. "I wouldn't take it I guess Shattermaster and I will be going...good day!" He began walking out, prompting you to try to follow him with Hiccup "Dagur!" "I said good day!" "W..was he crying..?" "Yeah, tears of laughter! At us! Thor how can you be so gullible (y/n)!" You looked up and at her from where you stood and rushed after Dagur, Hiccup not too far behind.

 "Where did he..?" You muttered to yourself before finding Dagur looking at the large model of ships and sea stacks Fishlegs had drawn in the letters. "Dagur..? What are you doing?" You asked softly as he looked up at you, smiling a little before looking down quickly when Hiccup came into view. "Everyone kept dropping hints about some big mission! I thought I should take a look! Heather may hate me, but I do not want you or here flying any suicide missions (y/n)." He stated firmly as you approached him, leaning on his shoulder as your face flushed red. "Its a ship yard, Viggo is enlarging the ships and sails for bigger dragons most likely.." Hiccup explained, standing opposite you and Dagur. "remarkably undefended.." "Its deep behind Viggo's lines, shrouded in fog." You told him, focusing on the boats and sea stacks as the plan came into your head. "Seems a little too easy.." Dagur mumbled, "We've kept an eye on it for weeks..Viggo doesn't protect it because he doesn't think we know about it." Dagur hummed before speaking up again "Let me guess, coordinated attack, using the sea stacks for cover but staying just above arrow range?" "Something like that.." Hiccup sighed before Dagur started laughing quietly. "You're too gullible Hiccup! Thats your problem! I should know, I tricked you plenty of times!" Dagur chuckled as he grabbed a hold of your waist, your face flushing brighter than before. "Yeah well I'm still here!" Astrid suddenly walked in before spotting Dagur and running over to him and pulling her knives out, Dagur pushed you behind him protectively, she stopped before pointing one of the knives at him again. "So you are a spy!" "Relax blondie, I was just trying to talk some sense into Hiccup here.." "We can't let him go now! He's seen too much!" "That's a little extreme Astrid!" You shouted distressed as you walked out from behind Dagur. She gave you a monotonous look and sighed "We're not going to kill him (y/n)..well I mean Heather might but.." She stopped herself when you gave her a 'please just stop' look. "Fine! Lock me up! But knwo this Hiccup, if anything happens to my (y/n) or Heather, I'm going to hold you personally responsible.." he growled at Hiccup, his eyes flashing with the madness he had shown when you were younger, making you shiver a little. 

You felt guilty about leaving Dagur in the dragon pens, but he told you it was fine and to remember what he told Hiccup. After working hard through half of the night, you discovered he had broken out with Shatter Master. Heather was clearly not having this so you all quickly jumped on your dragons and flew off to catch him before he got to the ship yard. Heather spotted him and instantly charged at him, going faster than you ever could, considering how hot it was in the sunlight. "Heather no!!" You shouted, urging Taran to fly faster before seeing Dagur fading into the distance where the ships were. You gasped. Maybe he was a spy..And after all you had told him..You grew angrier by the second as Hiccup told you to hit the ship yards right away, Taran swooping down and getting ready to blast his lightning. Rage turned into confusion as you saw explosions and arrows flying everywhere. "Whats he doing?!" Snotlout exclaimed as you watched, suddenly feeling your heart sink and your veins running cold. "Proving he was right..that it was a trap all along.." You told them, watching in shock, "We...WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!!" You screamed before Astrid and Stormfly flew in front of you. "(y/n) no! He's gone! There's nothing we can do.." She told you, watching you as you teared up, feeling your hand rise up to your mouth and begin shaking uncontrollably. "No...please.." You whispered, feeling tears rolling down your cheeks as you suddenly turned away from the ship yard and Taran shot you back to Dragon's Edge. 

When you returned, you let Taran come up to your hut with you for comfort. Truthfully, he was the only thing that would remind you of Dagur, since he had once 'owned' the Skrill. When you arrived back at your hut, the other riders were in the clubhouse. Hiccup had tried to comfort you but you wouldn't listen to him. There was a note on your bed. You picked it up and almost started sobbing right there. 

It read:

My Love (y/n),

If You're reading this, then I guess I'm gone.

I'm sorry I had to leave so soon after you've only just forgiven me, but I couldn't let you nor Heather fly into there and get killed.

I'd much rather it be myself that you getting hurt. Especially after everything I did.

I know I've already said it to Hiccup, but I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything I did and everything that I've done in the past few months. I was a fool.

  And, I love you so much, more than you'll ever know. So much so that it even made me go even more insane than I already was. I've loved you since we were 7 years old and I tried to cut your hair off! (I'm also sorry for that..).  

I promise you'll see me again someday, in Valhalla or Hell! 

Please don't cry for me my love, if it was my time to go then it was my time!  Besides, you've got Heather to help comfort you..I know she hates me, but I'm sure she'll be willing to comfort you anyway.

I love you (y/n).


By the end of the letter you were in un controllable sobs, gripping the letter to your chest tightly as the rain came down outside, Taran nuzzling you comfortingly. You shakily got up and walked outside. Sure enough, there she stood. Heather was clearly as emotional as you were as she looked out in the rain whilst walking up to your hut. "Heather?" You asked softly, snapping her out of her daze. She looked at you as you motioned her into your hut. Not even 10 seconds after you shut the door she crushed you with a hug. You gasped for air and hugged back as you felt her sobbing into your shoulder, so you stroked her hair to calm her down. "I..I never thought..!" She gasped whilst she sat on your bed with you. "I know you didn't Heather..I know.." 

Heather spent the night with you, but in the morning, you left a note that you were going back to Berk and left. You didn't know when you would be back. But after losing both your dragon and your first love in the space of a few months, you were broken. And you needed some time to bring yourself back together.

Forgiveness~ Httyd Dagur x reader  (Sequel to Betrothed~)Where stories live. Discover now