Chapter 13-Found and forgiven

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Months after the attack on the Dragon Hunter base, your idiot brother had gone out on a flight by himself. He was gone for a few days so you went out to search for him. "Come on Hiccup.." You groaned before coming across a small ship, it had the dragon hunter insignia on it but seemed to not have any Dragon Hunters on it. "Taran..lets get a closer look.." You told your dragon, getting closer to the ship. "Its empty.." You heard a door open from one of the sides of the ships and heard someone walk out. "Come on Taran..lets go.." You whispered as Taran took off into the clouds. "(y/n)?!" You heard a familiar voice call to you from across the clouds. You turned to face your brother on Toothless, looking pretty dirty and tired. "Hiccup!! Where the hell have you been?!" You shouted at him. "Its a long story..involving someone who I think you'll want to see after i'm done.." 

After making it back to the Edge and Hiccup being scolded by Astrid for going off without her, you both sat down in his hut to talk about what happened to him. "So what exactly went on? And who do you think I'd like to see?" You asked your brother suspiciously. He gave you a sheepish look before beginning on his story. As you had expected, the person he thought you'd like to see was Dagur. "(y/n), I really think he's trying to change! I mean he could've just left me there for the Dragon Hunters to finish me off! But he didn't! Toothless actually let Dagur ride him! If Toothless can trust him..I guess I have to try to!" You stared at Hiccup, completely shocked. "And..he told me to tell you, he's sorry. He's sorry for everything that he did 3 years ago and everything that he's done recently. And most of all he's sorry for trying to make you forgive him ahead of your time..he..uh.." Hiccup blushed and looked away from you for  moment "He also said that he still loves you..a lot.." He scratched the back of his head and looked at you cautiously. You were looking at the floor. What Hiccup had just said kept circling through your mind, repeating its self over and over again. You sighed shakily. "Where is he now..?" You asked Hiccup. "I don't know..he took off with a ship when I got Toothless back and I haven't seen or heard from him since.." You stood up calmly and silently and began walking out. "(y/n)? Where're you going?" He asked you quickly, standing up next to you. "What do you think? I'm going to find him!" You smiled brightly and began getting ready to journey. "Why? I thought you weren't ready to forgive him!" "I didn't either! But..I think I kind of am now..!" You grinned at him. "Atleast let me go with you!" You laughed and punched his arm. "No way! You need rest after what you've been through! Besides, this is something I need to do alone.." You chuckled to yourself and walked out to get Taran.

"Hiccup why would you let her do that?!" Astrid shrieked when she heard about you going to search for Dagur. "Look Astrid, it wasn't up to me, it was up to (y/n). You know what Dagur means to her! And if she thinks she's ready to forgive him then we should support her in that!" Astrid scowled and slapped her hand to her forehead. "Both of you will be the death of me some day.." She groaned. "Astrid, trust me. If (y/n) finds Dagur before Heather or anyone else does it'll be the best for both of them!" 

*time skip a few weeks to the events of 'family on the edge'*

Weeks. You'd searched for weeks across the places you'd thought Dagur would most likely go but there was nothing! Nothing but dragons obviously and some towns, villages and Dragon Hunter bases which you had carefully avoided. Atleast some of the villages you passed had welcomed you into their midst and given you food and information. "Ok taran, we're almost back..wonder how they got on without us.." You smirked to yourself as the Edge came clearer and clearer into view. Taran landed and you lead him to the stables. "Wonder where everyone is.." You muttered to yourself as Taran nudged you, growling lowly and staring at you with his large golden eyes. "Whats wrong bud?" You asked him as you led him into the pen, other dragons roaring at your arrival. You walked outside, nearing the arena. "Hiccup! Astrid! Guys whats going-" You were cut off by the sound of something like 2 dying yaks blasting you ear drums. "By the Gods what is going on?!" You questioned as you jumped into the arena. "Somebody better start explaining or I swear to Odin-" You stopped in your tracks. Hiccup let out a nervous laugh. "Surprise!" He motioned to Dagur, who seemed to have his wrists bound. You honestly had to stop yourself from either killing someone or crying. "Well atleast now we know (y/n)'s safe!" "(y/n)!! Please help me!" Dagur beamed at you lovingly. You blushed a little and and chuckled quietly, walking over. "What exactly is going on?" You asked, taking a hold of Dagur's bound hands and releasing them from their bonds. "We were going to interrogate him on where Hiccup was, but seeing as Hiccup is here and you've untied him.." Astrid moaned. She was clearly having the time of her life with this Dagur business..

"Come on guys, I think Dagur and (y/n) deserve a little alone time before he goes back to dragon training.." Hiccup pushed the twins out as they craned their necks at the two of you. You were sat on the table Hiccup had been leaning against earlier and remained silent. "Did he tell you?" Dagur asked, leaning against the table next to you. "Tell me..? Oh! Yeah...he did.." You said softly, blushing a little. "I noticed you and your Skrill weren't here when I arrived..I was worried..and when Hiccup told me you'd gone on a mission I got even more worried..haha..I was sure that you'd end up getting captured by Viggo or the Dragon Hunters.." He told you as you sat there in silence, your hands between your knees, staring at the floor. "I'm kind of done with the whole 'being captured' stuff now..It was scary at first but after a while it just kind of got inconvenient!" You chuckled as you leaned back on your hands. "But yeah, Hiccup told me what you said. And that's why I wasn't here.." Dagur looked at you, "I wasn't on a mission Dagur. I was looking for you." You told him, heat rising onto your cheeks as you felt him staring at you. "After Hiccup told me what you said it kind of dawned on me, you know? I guess I finally realized that it was stupid putting off forgiving you, now that you'd shown that you want to change!" "None of the others believe me.." "Doesn't matter...I believe you..If Toothless will let you ride him then why the heck shouldn't I trust you?" You asked him, sitting up and smiling at him with those dazzling (e/c) eyes he had always adored.

 "But after all I did!" "I know, I was there...but it wasn't your fault about Abscon..and it wasn't your fault about me getting shot in the leg or arm many times either. were a bad person before sure..but you are allowed to be sorry for it and guess I've forgiven you.." You sighed, sliding off the table and looking at him with one hand on your hip. Before you knew what was happening he had pulled you towards him in a tight embrace. You immediately hugged back and felt him tense up a little. "You hugged back..?" He said, pulling back cautiously. "Dagur, are you deaf? I said I've forgiven-" You were cut off for the third time that day by Dagur wrapping his arms around your waist and softly pushing his lips onto yours. You obviously kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling him lift you up and off your feet to deepen the kiss. When you both pulled away, Dagur was simply stood there, his typical yandere smirk played on his lips as he kept his tight grip around your waist. "Hey (y/n)?" "Y-Yeah?" You asked, blushing insanely. "I love you~" "I love you too.." Dagur's eyes widened a little and his smirk got wider, " mean it..?" He asked you, clearly dying for you to say yes. You laughed lightly "Of course I do idiot!" He began laughing and hugged you incredibly tightly, you may have even felt a few ribs cracking. "You really do!! This is amazing!! After all these years!!" He shouted, spinning you around and kissing you again and again. "Now! Come and watch me learn to ride a Gronkle! Your friend Fishlegs is gonna teach me!"  He took your hand and ran out of the clubhouse with you, both smiling brightly. 


Forgiveness~ Httyd Dagur x reader  (Sequel to Betrothed~)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora