My best friend loves me? Since when have I gotten so dumb?

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Even as I entered the room I could tell she was upset. She had that look that spoke volumes. I knew in an instant that something was terribly wrong. My best friend Emily shuffled towards me, brunette hair billowing behind her. "Emily what's wrong?" I asked

"Oh it's awful, just awful. I can't believe that this is happening to me Shea." I know that soon she will break down in hysterics so I motion her to sit down.

"Shhh. It will be ok," I say in a soothing voice, "now tell me what happened."

"He's gone Shea, he's gone." Emily is crying so hard you can't help but feel sorry for her.

"Who's gone?" she shakes her head, "Emily who is gone?" even though I know the answer to my question.

"Paul," she sobs, "Its Paul. He left me Shea, he left me." I can tell it is hard for her to say this because her voice keeps breaking.

"Did he say why he was breaking up with you?" my voice starting to get tense as the anger builds up, I wonder how her boyfriend of a year and my best friend since 3rd grade can leave her just like that.

"He said that he found someone else," her voice is getting angry, "I bet you he left me for some stupid cheerleader."

The doorbell rings. "I'll get that k?"

"Ok. I'll get us some chocolate chip ice cream. Maybe that will get him off my mind." She is smiling now. The best thing a friend can do is cheer up a friend that was just dumped.

As I open the door I see Paul standing in his black leather jacket. I look behind me to make sure Em is busy and walk out. I close the door behind me and turn to face him. "Paul what are you doing here?" I almost yell. "Do you know how much upset Emily is?"

"But-"he starts

"No," I interrupt, "She really liked you. What girl was so important that you had to leave my best friend?" I stare into his eyes to make sure that he tells me the truth.

"Shea... I..." He runs his fingers through his dirty blond hair as he tries to explain. I can tell he is actually thinking when he stops. He looks at me, glides over, cups my face and kisses me. For a second I am stunned then I shove him away.

"What was that for?" I yell

He looks at me with honest eyes and said, "I left Emily for you."

My best Friend loves me? Since when have I gotten so dumb?Where stories live. Discover now