Chapter 22

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~~It's the last chapter. I hope all of you enjoyed this book as much as I did. There will be little dialogue though, it'll sort of be like you're writing in a journal. I hope I explained any questions anyone had. If you have any that weren't answered in here just hmu and I'll answer them. Enjoy!!~~

It had been months since you've recovered. You still couldn't believe everything that happened while you were in the coma was a dream. It felt so real. You asked Amai if she was real because you still couldn't process that it was actually her. She hurt by it a little bit but seemed to understand your confusion. Ayano stayed by your side after you were released from the hospital. Eventually, she moved into your house just to make sure you were safe.

After you were released you had more nightmares than usual and started breaking down more often. Ayano had to find you a therapist just to make you feel better. You felt sorry for her because she had to take care of you. You always asked her if she minded but she always said no but deep down you knew it bothered her a little bit.

Months after your breakdowns and nightmares you started to feel better. In turn, you helped take care of Ayano when she was too exhausted to help herself. Info-chan appeared quite frequently along with Oka, Saki, and Amai. Saki was still devastated that Kokana had died. She never got into too much detail on how she died and when and you respected that. Senpai, Ayano's past crush had never fallen in love with any of the girls that had loved him and Oka and Amai, on the last year of high school, had gotten over him. They were no longer interested in him.

Now that high school is finished, who knows what Taro is doing right now. You had moved into a house with Ayano, Info-chan, Oka, Saki, and Amai. Saki needed a lot of comfort after Kokana had died. She almost killed herself twice but Amai had managed to stop her. They had gotten really close over the past year, almost seemed like they were dating, but they were just really close friends. 

The other occult club members appeared from time to time and always invited Oka to do some rituals. After high school, Oka didn't seem too into the occult stuff anymore but she still went to their rituals just for the fun of it. 

When you and Ayano turned 25 the both of you got married and invited your friends. You didn't want that big of a wedding so you decided to have it on the beach and just invite a couple of people.

At night Info-chan would sometimes leave the house to do missions and sometimes Ayano would leave the house with her. She would sometimes come back covered in blood and would try to hide it from you but you always noticed. Eventually, you confronted her about it. She did reveal some of the missions to you with Info-chan's permission.

When you both turned 27 you decided to adopt a kid along with a kitten and puppy. Ayano had gifted you the two animals for your birthday and for her birthday you decided to adopt a kid after you had discussed the topic with her. Your other friends in the house, Oka, Saki, and Amai, had gotten married to someone and decided to have their own kids. The house was full of so many adults and kids. Eventually, everyone had saved enough money to move into a larger house with enough rooms for everyone.

Life had gotten better for everyone. Especially Ayano since she had found her true love. It may not have been Taro like she had hoped for but she was glad she was with you.

"Thank you for loving me y/n. You saw past my murderous ways and decided to love me for who I was deep down inside. You weren't my first love but I'm glad I'm married to you and we have a little girl. I'm so glad that we live with Info-chan, Oka, Saki, Amai and their significant others along with their children."

You hugged her and wanted to stay in her arms for as long as you wanted. "I love you so much Ayano. Never forget that." You pulled back and kissed her on the lips.

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