Chapter 5

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"Hey did you hear what happened with Kokona?"

"What happened with her?"

"She killed herself!"

"What why?!"

"There was gossip going around that she was doing compensated dating in Shisuta town. Someone even posted pictures of her and the guy."

"Holy shit!!"

You walked into school Ayano and heard all the gossip. "Wow I can't believe Kokona killed herself. Who would be so cruel enough to do that?" You looked at Ayano as you put on your shoes.

Ayano shrugged. "I don't know." Ayano looked around as people continued to gossip. Suspicious. Oh well I have other things to worry about.

"Do you know where Nemesis is? I have to apologize to her for slapping her." Ayano stopped looking around and looked at you. "Why do you want to apologize to her?! She fucking kissed you without your consent."

"Well I want to apologize for being rude. Gosh stop getting so angry." You grab your bag and walk past her, purposely bumping into her. Off to the roof I go. You walk to the stairwell and go up to the roof.

When you get up to the roof you look around and see Nemesis. She had a bandaid on her cheek. Huh I don't remember seeing that bandaid on her cheek when I saw her at the store.

You shrug and walk up to her. "Hey Nemesis." She looks up at you. "I want to apologize for kissing you at the store."

"It's fine. I want to apologize for slapping you. Can I have a hug?" You hold out your arms and Nemesis stands up and hugs you. "So are we all good?" You ask as you both release each other.

"Yep. Where's Ayano?" She asks. You shrug. "We got into a small argument downstairs when I asked her where you were."

"Oh." Was all Nemesis said. You sat down next to her and noticed your bag was empty than before.

"Shit I forgot my fucking lunch at home." You curse under your breath. Nemesis looks at you. "We can share." You look at her. "Are you sure? I can always ask Amai to cook me something."

"No really it's fine. Amai's probably cooking food for Senpai." Nemesis chuckles.

"Probably." You noticed someone moving in the corner of your eye and turn your head in the direction of the stairwell. You see Ayano and wave to her but she goes down the stairwell. "Who was that?" Nemesis asks looking at the stairwell.

"Ayano. Do you want to go look for her. I mean we are the three musketeers. I mean I know you two hate each other but you need to loosen up a bit." You stand up and over your hand to Nemesis.

She takes it and you pull her up and she grabs her bag and you two make your way to the stairwell. "If I was Ayano where would I be?" You ask yourself. "Hmm that's a good question. We could ask people if they've seen Ayano."

"There's no need for that." You look in the direction of the voice and see Ayano. She was hiding something behind her back and there was something on her cheek. "Hey are you okay? You have something on your cheek." You say to her. "I'm fine." She wipes her cheek with the back of her hand.

"What's behind your back?" Nemesis leans against the wall. We stand in silence as Ayano continues to look between me and Nemesis.

"Hey Y/n!!" You look down the hallway and see Amai waving to you. You wave back. "Hey Amai!!" You smile at her. You notice Ayano stepping back and she disappears from your line of view. You look at Nemesis and she notices the same thing. "What's up with her?"

Nemesis shrugs and you took go up to Amai. "I want the both of you to try my new biscuits." Amai holds out her basket full of biscuits to you and Nemesis.

You and Nemesis each take one biscuits and take a bite out of it. Something creamy fills your mouth. "This taste so good!" You say taking another bite.

"Thank you. I hope the chocolate tastes good." Amai smiles at the both of you. "Ya it does. It's actually really good." Nemesis comments.

You look at Nemesis. "Do you Ayano would want one?" You ask her. Nemesis shrugs and finishes her cookie. You do the same and turn to Amai. "Do you think I can take one and give it to Ayano?" You ask Amai smiling.

"Sure. It's my pleasure." She smiles and watches as you take a biscuit. "Thank you for trying my biscuits." Amai waves goodbye to you two and walks away in the direction she came from.

When Amai gets farther away Nemesis speaks up. "Lets go find Ayano. She has some explaining to do." You look at Nemesis and nod at her.

You both walk towards the stairwell but take a left and walk down the dead end hallway. "Where would she escape to?" You ask looking at the hallway. "I don't know but look for something." Nemesis starts feeling the wall for something and you do the same.

Eventually something opens up and you look into the dark room. "Hey Nem-"

You get cut off as someone pulls you into a room and pins you down to the floor. The door starts to close and Nemesis jumps in, in time. You look up at the red haired girl as she covered your mouth and held a knife up to your neck.

"Info-chan get off of her. She's good." You tilt your head up and look at Ayano upside down. She peers down at you with a look of disgust. You look back at Info-chan and then Nemesis.

Something is strange about these girls. It's like they're not normal. And who the fuck is this red haired bitch on top of me?! What kind of fucking name is Info-chan?!! First Nemesis now Info-chan?!! Who's next Big boobed Mackenzie!?!

Info-chan glares down at you before eventually getting off of you. Nemesis walks over and helps you up and pulls you away from Ayano and Info-chan. The four of you stand in silence before you break the silence. "Well I'm going to go before this gets any awkward." You turn around quickly and start to feel the wall for a switch or anything.

"The door's that way." You turn around and see Info-chan pointing at a door that you didn't see before. "Right thank you."

You grab Nemesis' hand and pull her towards the door. Before you open the door you remember the biscuit. "Oh right. Here's a biscuit that I got from Amai." You hand her the biscuit and she slaps it away. The biscuit smashes on the floor. She glares at you.

"I don't want the biscuit." Ayano growls. You step back and stare at Ayano. "What's wrong with you?! Why are you being so rude?!"

You don't want for answer and leave the unknown room with Nemesis. Before you leave and you slam the door and walk away with Nemesis behind you. "What's her fucking problem?? I didn't do shit and she just slaps my hand away like I'm some fucking disease!!! Fucking bitch!!" You curse. "Shh not so loud!" Nemesis warns looking around. "Sorry." You apologize.

The bell rings for class. "Well I'm off to class." You say goodbye to Nemesis. "Meet on the roof for lunch." She says before you two go your own separate ways.

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