Epilogue: The Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, Daddy." He smiled brightly at me.

"It's fine, little man, but in the future, I will make your breakfast." He nodded enthusiastically. I used the remote to turn on the morning cartoons.

Once Rhydian was focused on the television, I went back into the kitchen and cleaned up the mess.

"You want coco puffs?" I yelled to him.

"Yes, please!" He screamed at the top of his lungs back. If he does that at his mother's house, I'm never going to hear the end of it.

I poured his cereal into a bowl and brought it to him, where he sat on the floor in front of his favorite morning show.

The intercom buzzer rang and the head of security's voice boomed through the house. "Mr. Marks, Luna Ludwig is at the front gate, requesting to pick up Rhydian."

I walked over to one of the many intercoms on the wall and pressed the button. "Let her in. I need to talk to her."

"Yes, sir."

A minute later, there was a knock at the front door. I opened the door and ushered my baby momma inside.

"What do you want, Taten? Rhydian has soccer in an hour." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Marie Fitzgerald escaped from prison an hour ago. Both you and Rhydian will not be leaving this house until she is caught."

Her eyebrows went up at the mention of Marie, but she shrugged. "I doubt Marie is going to come after me. Is Rhydian all packed?"

"I have security and a ten foot tall wall surrounding the premises. You are not leaving with my son." I growled out. Does she not understand that more than her life would be at stake?

"Taten, I will go into protective custody if I believe that it is necessary. Keeping me here is kidnapping and false imprisonment." I saw her clench her fists, ready to throw one at me if I said the wrong thing.

"Well, then I guess I'm kidnapping you." I smirked at her.


"This is absolutely ridiculous!" Luna ranted. "I know that you have control issues, but this is going too far!"

She has been pacing back and forth for over twenty minutes now.

"Enough already!" I finally snapped. "Rhydian go put your sleepover bag back in your room. You and Mommy are staying over again."

He jumped up and ran to do as he was told.

"We shouldn't be arguing in front of him, Luna." I said calmly. "It is not healthy."

"You should not be kidnapping his mother in front of him either, but you have no problem doing that!" She plopped down onto the couch in a huff.
I sat on an armchair next to the couch. "While we are talking about things we shouldn't do, you shouldn't be calling me cruel in front of our son. He needs to see us as a united front."

"It would be easier for him to see us as a united front if you do not introduce all your sluts to him or let them sleep over when our son is in the next room!" Luna snapped back.

"What are you talking about?"

"He told me that some woman named Marissa slept over at your apartment. I know it was not in the visitation agreement, but I just figured it was a given. You should not be exposing him to that kind of behavior." She clutched her purse closer to her, obviously uncomfortable.

For the first time since she walked through the door, I genuinely smiled. "You're jealous."

She shook her head violently.

"Luna, Marissa is my cook and has a husband and seven grandchildren. She stayed over one night because there was a snowstorm passing through, and I did not want her driving in it."

She looked down at her shoes.

That happened over a month ago. No wonder she turned into super bitch so suddenly.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled, still not meeting me eyes. "I should not have assumed anything. You are a great father to our son."

I smiled again. "If you think I have done something inappropriate or wrong, next time just ask me about it."

She finally looked up. "You're right."

Luna Ludwig looked sincere as she apologized.

Her nutmeg hair was longer than it was in high school. Her face was a bit rounder, and her body a smidge fuller. She is still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

"And if you would have asked me about it, I would have told you that I haven't even looked at another woman since I met you."


Part two of the three part epilogue will be out shortly.

I think that it is important to note that high school students are just kids. Most times they are not anywhere near mature enough to maintain a lifelong partnership with someone. In order for Luna and Tate to ever even have a chance of being together in the long run, they needed to go their separate ways.

I am not saying that they'll end up together or not, I am not going to spoil my own story. I am just trying to emphasize the importance of the last five years for them.


See you guys in the next part!
~ Anubis xx

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