chapter 5

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Jesse McCartney as Chris (Sabrina's boyfriend)--------------------------------------------------------------------

hope you enjoyed it! :)

Chapter 5

Sabrina POV….Los Angeles California

I woke up feeling like tristy and head bloweded stupid beer. I feel like shit!

Ring Ring

I get up from Chris bed but stumble to find the phone. I look through all the clothes and I find my purse I answer my phone.

“Where are you?” my mom yelled at me

I pulled the phone away from my ear. Who yells at someone who have a  hangover?

“Don’t yell” I snap back my head is throbbing

“Where are you? Your sister is coming today” she said

“What?” I said shock

Why didn’t she tell me before? Why is she coming? I do want to see her but she never came to visit us yet again we didn’t go and visit her in New York

“Yes I send you a message last night” she said

“Oh sorry” I said

“Well its late now I’m going to my office and Sebastian has to pick her up now” she said

“Fine what time does her flight land?” I asked

“Around 6” she said

“Well its early she doesn’t come until more later” I said standing up and finding my heels

“It’s 3 I have been trying to call you but you didn’t answer you phone” she said

“What?” I said yelled again I should stop yelling its hearting my head

“Be home and get ready I’ll be there later” she said and hanged up

I growled and tried to wake up Chris.

“Chris…Baby wake up” I said to him

“What?” he moaned

“Can you give me a ride home?” I asked

“Tell your ‘boyfriends I’m tired” he said tiredly

“Fine see yah later” I snap

Gosh I hate it when he does that. I sleepover but he doesn’t like taking me home. He always says to ask my ‘boyfriends’ which are my best friends to take me home. Which they do because I give them my best puppy dog face.

I walk downstairs into the living room to find them lying down on the couch moaning of pain.

“Hey” I said once I see them

“Hey” they say with there voice hoarse

“Can you give me a ride home?” I asked with my puupy dog look

“Ask Chris my head feels like shit” Aston said

“How about you Xavier?” I asked him with the look

“Sorry my head hurts” he moan putting his head in a pillow

“How about you Zachary?” I ask i got tired doing the face but i did it anyways

“I also need a ride” he said chuckling but the growls

“How about the one who brought me?” I stared at Trevor giving him a puppy look face

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