John × Reader/"Jealous?"

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You and John went to a near bar for new year,You were waiting by the bar for John to come back from the restroom,when you saw your ex boyfriend,(let's call him Peter),Walking towards you.

"Peter?Oh wow I didn't expect to see you here!"
"Me neither..How are you?"

Your break up wasn't a large thing,You both agreed you could find other people so both of you were on good terms.

"Oh I am are you?"
"I am great!..So what are you doing here?"He asked,smiling at you.
"Well I am waiting for my boyfriend to return from the bathroom"

You spend a while laughing a talking about various stuff,remembering memories and then..

Suddenly you felt someone grab your waist,You looked beside you to see John,looking rather annoyed.

"Oh Hey John.."
"Hello Darling.."

Peter seemt to stand awkwardly infront of both you,"so John,This is my friend and ex-boyfriend..Peter..and Peter this is my boyfriend John Watson.."You said trying to break the tension.

"Pleasure to meet you."John forced a smile on his face and extended his hand,"Its a pleasure to meet you (Y/N) I got to go now..My girlfriend is waiting for me..Happy New year!"

"Goodbye Peter!Happy New year to you too.."You turn to John,and smile at him,"Lets g-"

All of a sudden,John turned from looking at Peter(who was looking at both of you) and kissed you.

You were too confused to kiss back,then John took you outside and got a cab.

While waiting outside in the cold,You decided to ask John why he acted like that.



"Are you jealous?"You giggled and smiled at the blonde man whose face had gone crimson red,"What!?No.."He turned away from you.

"Why would you be jelous of Peter?"

"Well he is tall.."he mumbeled,Which caused you to laugh,"John!Don't worry about your hight..i love you as you are."You kissed his cheek and opened the cab door to get in.

John couldn't help but shrug and smile to himself...



..this was cheesy and fluffy at the same time😂

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