A Whole New Year, A Whole New Journey.WELCOME 2018!!!

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Aaaanddddd here we are!

2018 BABY!

Okay so this post is going to be very.... well, it's about the stuff I do when a new year comes. I wanted to share it with you. Hopefully to inspire you, to encourage you and to make you more confident and happy about the year ahead of you. Also, for you to enjoy! ^^

So, you most probably know about my story of changing from this emo, negative, rusty  and annoying person who had given up on everything to a positive thinking person determined to make at least one person laugh each day, and to do something good for myself as well. 

In 2016, I had my first biggest exam to write in December and I remember on the 31st of December 2015, I looked up at the night sky and felt so scared about what I was going to face in 11 months. But instead of being negative abd mad about the exam I had to face I just smiled and stared at the moon (Yeah, I hope no one saw me smiling to myself hehe) and decided,

"It'll be a great year. I know it will. It's a whole new journey for me to live. Let's go!"

And I'm not kidding, that fresh start encouraged me to keep it going, and I worked to hard that year, and at the end when I got my results I cried in happiness. I thought I was gonna fail, but I passed with more A's than anyone expected from me.

That year taught me that  if I faced something with courage, determination and positivity, I could do anything. I proved so many people wrong in 2016 and now they respect me instead of shaming me. 

So when 2017 started, I had the same thought. The year will be great, crazy things will happen, life changing things will happen, I will accomplish more.

And again, I AM NOT kidding. All that happened. Every single thing.

I excelled in my school work more, I actually walked on stage to get my report and I thought I was gonna faint of happiness. I proved more people wrong that day. And I improved so much. I did all that, just by believing in myself.

So this year, when the atmosphere was cracking with the sound of fireworks, I closed my eyes, and gave the same talk. 

"This year will be greater, I will accomplish more, better memories, better experiences, my friendships will grow stronger, I will meet new people, learn to love more, live with more joy and happiness, face challenges instead of fearing them."

And I have a big exam in May this year. I was worried about it since the start of December, but now,



True tho, throw that paper at me right now I'll get an A star and rule this year like a bawse!

The song above, is the song that gave me inspiration to change myself to become a better person. This and some Imagine Dragons songs. But Axwell and Ingrosso's song "On my way" is the root of everything. I still listen to it to remind myself what I set for myself. 

So basically, from this entire rant, guys, if any of you are fearing the new year for any reason, school or university exams, some big event in your life, it could be nothing related to school or university but something else, if it's something regarding your private life, your social life, your professional life  or if it's just having to walk to your class and live another 365 days with people you don't like, it's okay. Don't be scared, or depressed or mad. Just take all that  negativity, anger and fear and toss it in a bin and set the bin on fire!

well, don't burn it. You might burn the house down lol. 

Try to think positive. Start the day with a smile on your face a smile in your heart. Be genuine. Love people, be kind, be happy. Make it a goal to make someone laugh each day and do make yourself feel content each day too. Coz spreading love and positive vibes brings out the best in everyone and it's beneficial for everyone. Anger, hatred, fear will bring you nothing. It will only make you go downwards. 

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