39. Jessica

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"Mommy mommy...step daddy!...look what we got!" Karlie yelled walking into the house with Cameron's sister holding cups of marshmallows.

"Mmm...where'd you get that baby?" I asked picking her up sitting her on my lap next to Cameron

"Aunty Sierra got it for us...here have one"

"Wait...say Sierra again..."

"Sierra" she said confused holding up a marshmallow

"Good job baby..." I said kissing her forehead

She smiled holding up a marshmallow to my mouth

"Here...it really good" she said

I opened my mouth and she popped it in and I chewed it.

"Mmm really good" I said kissing her nose

" step daddy cammy you want some?" She asked Cameron

He smiled nodding.

"Sure babygirl"

She popped one in his mouth and he kissed her cheek.

"Thank you cutie"

"Your welcome" she smiled

I can tell Karlie's warming up to Cameron being my boyfriend...I already met his mom and as far as I know she likes me...and so does Sierra...Cameron loves me so he says and Cole calls me step mom when talking about me to Cameron...I don't want him to call me mom...I'm not trying to take Melissa's place so Cameron made sure Cole doesn't call me mom or mommy...and I made sure Karlie only calls Cameron step daddy or just Cammy because Hayes is still her father...and until he calms down...Cameron kinda takes on that fatherly role...their bond...it's the cutest thing...

"Babygirl cmon lets get you ready for bed" I said picking her up

"Cmon mommy...I wanna play with cammy" she pouted

"Yea...she wants to play with cammy" Cameron smirked

"Fine...30 more minutes" I said putting her back down on his lap.

Cole came running in,

"Step mommy...can you help me brush my teeth" Cole asked looking up at me

"How bout both of you come wash your teeth...eating those marshmallows"

"Ok"Karlie said holding her hands up for Cameron

We picked them both up and walked into the bathroom sitting them on the counter.

"Here's your tooth brush" I said handing it to Cole with the toothpaste on it

He grabbed it and started brushing his teeth.

I looked over at Karlie seeing she was doing it all by herself

Usually she needs me or Hayes to help but Cameron just held her so she didn't fall off the counter.

My baby is growing up so fast...

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