2. Jessie

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1 year later

"Nash..!!." I yelled giggling as he tickled me

" what?" He asked leaning down closer to my face so close we could kiss

"Back up...you know the deal...we already didn't work out" I said moving my face

"I can't get a kiss?" He asked

"Ugh...fine" I groaned before looking up at him

He leaned down more and kissed me while laying in between my legs. I ran my hands through his hair while my other hand wrapped around his neck.

We only stopped because I heard the door open.

"Nash...I think cam or somebody Is here" I said lowly

"Ugh Stay right here" he said hopping up and walking out the room.

I picked up my phone and got up off the bed aswell walking out seeing Nash and his brother

"Oh it's you" I heard Nash say making me scrunch up my face

I hate how disrespectful he is to his brother...

His brother just looked at him and looked down.

"Jess...I'm gonna go downstairs and help my mom get the rest of the weirdos stuff" Nash said

"Ok" I said rolling my eyes

He looked at me weird before walking out the apartment.

"Hey...you ok?" I asked walking over to him

He stared up at me in admiration and not emotionless and sad then walked away out the apartment.

"Well ok then.." I said moving hair of my face and sitting on the counter.

" oh hey Jess" Cameron said walking in holding a box

"Hey" I said smiling "what're you doing here?"

"I was coming to see Nash and saw him downstairs so He asked me to help" he said walking into the empty room.

"Oh" I said nodding

"I'm gonna help too" I said hopping up pulling up my jeans

Cameron walked behind me downstairs to the front.

We finished helping Hayes...so we all got the idea to hang out and go eat but Hayes didn't want to go.

"I'll go talk to him" I said

" forget him...Nobody wants that loser to come anyway" he said

"Nash...stop being so rude" I said walking away from him into Hayes's room

"Hey...you want something to eat?" I asked leaning in the doorway

He just looked up at me and shook his head. I scrunched my face up and pouted a little before closing the door and walking over to him sitting next to him on his new bed.

"You want me to get you a little something...?" I asked looking over at him

He just shook his head looking away....

"I'll bring you back something" I said standing up

" I'll get you some fries or whatever we eat..." I said putting hair behind my ears "ok?" I asked

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