38. Jessica

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"Your sweater is comfier" I giggled sitting up on my knees looking at Cameron

"Yea I know...that's why I wanna wear it" he said

"Nooo...I loveeee it..." I giggled hugging myself

"And I love you" he said making me smile as he sat up leaning in to kiss me softly with tongue

I moaned through the kiss resting my hands on my thighs.

"The kids are downstairs?"

"No...their safe in Coles room"

"I'm gonna go check on them..." I said crawling off the bed fixing my sweater and walking out the room

"Come back quick!" He called after me making me playfully roll my eyes

I walked into Coles room seeing just Cole.

"hey Cole hunny...where's Karlie?"I asked kneeling down to his height

He pointed past me out the room door so I looked at him confused.

"Where'd she go?" I asked

"Y...your room" he said

I nodded biting my lip.

"Thank you Cole baby" I said moving hair out his face and getting up walking out his room and into mine and Karlie's.

She was sitting on the bed crying.

I've never seen such and emotional 4 year old...

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked walking over to her picking her up.

"I hate daddy!" She cried "h...he mean to you mommy...a...and he huwt your awm" she said looking up at me with her glossy blue eyes

I sighed kissing her cheek.

"Mommys ookay baby...don't hate daddy...daddy loves you..."

"I don't want daddy to come back...he's a meany head...I like daddy cammy..."

I looked at her wide eyed

What'd you just say?"

"I don't want daddy back..." She said

"No after that..."

"He's a meany head" she pouted

"No after that baby..."

"I like daddy cammy...he's much funner...a...and he makes me food...h...he helps me with homewowk...a...and Cole is nice to me too!...I wanna stay her fowevew" she said pouting

"Ok...ok...but what if mommy and cammy started...liking eachother?"

"So cammy would be my daddy?" She asked

"No...not necessarily...he would be your...step daddy...and Cole would be your step brother...ok?"

"Ooh...I wanna bwothew" she said excited...

"So you like mommy being with cammy?"

"Yea!...he can be my step daddy" she smiled big

"Ok cool...well...you go play with Cole okay...don't tell him it's a surprise"

"Ok mommy... Youw secwet is safe with me" she smiled before crawling off the bed and running out the room

I smiled walking out too but down the hall to Cameron's room.

"There's my baby" he smiled opening his arms

I smiled getting on the bed.

"Guess what?"

"what?" He asked smiling

"Karlie wants us to be together...she wants you to be her step daddy"

"Woah...really?" He asked looking kinda...worried

"I...is that too far?...I'm sorry...I didn't wanna make things weird...or over step"

"Kinda did..." He mumbled but I heard him.

"It's okay baby..."

I bit my lip looking at him..

"I'm gonna go" I said getting right back up and walking out.

"Jess wait...you didn-"

"It's fine Cameron...just...leave me alone" I said walking away into my room closing the door

"Jess...baby...I'm sorry" Cameron said coming into the room

"For what?...it doesn't even matter Cameron you can go now"

" Jess...Cmere...I didn't mean it..."

"Like I said...It doesn't matter anymore Cameron..." I shook my head focusing on the tv

He walked over to me and tried to kiss but I moved my head.

"Stop...get outta her with that"

"What the fuck?...are you really cutting me off?"

"I just think we should stop...so yes...I am" I said looking at him

He scoffed crossing his arms

"Are you fuvkin serious right now?...no...hell no...it was a joke Jessica! Calm the fuck down you're not cutting nobody off...I'm not crazy...but I'm not Hayes..." He said picking me up and pinning me to the bed

"Cam get off!" I yelled giggling looking up at him

"No...since you wanna breakup with people" he said

"Cameron you're a we- ohhh my god"'I gasped and moaned the end feeling him enter me

He bit his lip spreading my legs and thrusting into me.

"Cam...what about the kids" I whimpered

"Their in bed with their room door locked...I have the key" he grunted at the end pulling me closer so he went deeper

I gasped throwing my head back.

"oh fuck yes"I whimpered roaming my hands all over my body as he sped up

"Fuck Jess"

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