12. Hayes

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I miss her...I miss her so much...but she broke up with me...I want her back...I want to hold her and kiss her...I miss her laugh...I miss her cute little nose scrunching up when she's mad...her blue eyes sparkling when she looks up at me...I love her...I love her a lot...and now it's all over...

It's been 2 months since I saw her...since I heard her cute little giggle... Since I...made love to her...I have this tattoo on my arm but I'm not covering it up or anything...I still love her...she did nothing wrong...I cried a lot because I miss her...I miss her so fucking much...sometimes I want to just go down to her apartment and hold her...I want to show her...I'm not moving on...she is my something better...she is my something amazing...she's so adorable and I love her...

I didn't get to kiss her on new year like I planned...I didn't get to spoil her on Christmas...Kyle comes over and tells me everything about her even though he hates me...he tells me how she is and it breaks my heart.

She's been just going to class and locking her self in her room...he said he stayed over her place one night and heard her crying herself to sleep. She always looks sad...she hasn't been eating much which scares me...I get so tempted to go and reassure her how much I want to be with her and get back together...

When she broke up with me I was confused at first...but then I realized what was happening...and I was heartbroken...one because she looked so...broken and sad...Nd two because she was breaking up with me...I love her...I can't explain how much I love that girl...she made me so happy...

"Just go talk to her bro" Cameron said

I was laying in my bed under the covers sad just staring at the wall.

" I can't...she doesn't want to be around me...she doesn't want to be with me...I can't Cameron" I said looking down

" That's a lie...you can...and you will...She says she misses you all the time" he said

"She does?" I asked sitting up

"Yes...now cmon...she hasn't been ok..." He said

"Cameron...she broke up with me..." I said laying back down

" Yea...now go ask her back out Hayes..." He said

"How do I know you aren't lying to me...what if she kicks me out..."

"She won't do that to you" he said " Go talk to her Hayes...she hasn't been eating Hayes stop being a bitch and go get your girl!" He said

" Don't call me a bitch" I said getting up pulling my sweatpants all the way up

"Where are you going?" Nash asked

I ignored him and walked out running to the elevator. I went down to her floor and waited impatiently. The doors finally opened and I ran out straight to her apartment. I dogged through my pockets finding the key luckily.

I walked in seeing her sitting on the couch crying with her hands covering her face.

"Baby..." I said walking over to her pulling me to her chest

"Hayes?...What're you doing here?" She asked with a cracked voice

" Baby...are you ok?" I asked cupping her face in my hands

She looked down sniffing.

" I'm fine" she said wiping her eyes

"Princess I know you...Cameron said you haven't been eating...why?" I asked caressing her cheek

" because Hayes...I made a mistake...I didn't want to leave you...I missed you so much...and I regret breaking up with you...I felt like shit...I felt like I was hurting you...and I was hurting myself...Hayes I-" I stopped her and looked at her arm

Elevator. (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now