1st Peter Imagine

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You woke up in your hut earlier than usual and decided to explore Neverland a bit. You had only been here a short time since Pan's shadow kidnapped you. Pan told you to take caution when disobeying him as it results in very bad things happening to you, but you were never one to be bossed around by someone you just met and thinks he's better than everyone else.

You thought for sure you knew where you were going but you also swore that you had seen the same tree 3 different times which meant you were lost. You kept turning in random directions trying to get back to camp and your hut so you could just go to sleep.

You stopped and sat back on a rock when you heard a twig snap. You had heard from the other lost boys that he liked to play games before he punished you as some sort of torture because nobody beats Pan. You sucked in a large breath and stood up.

"Alright Pan, go ahead and banish me or whatever!" You exclaimed gesturing to the area you thought he was in. He didn't come out or make any noise. That wasn't like Pan. Once the game was over he usually just punished the lost boys.

You walked over and moved some of the branches. Someone went behind you and put a bag over your head and tied your hands together behind your back. You struggled against the ropes but were thrown onto the ground anyway.

After you realized it was Hook that kidnapped you, you started screaming. Nothing worked as he threw you on the ship, took the bag off your head, and started interrogating you about where Pan was.

Every time he asked he was met by your silence or sometimes a scoff. As if you were going to tell him where Peter was. You knew he would find you and rescue you. It was only a matter of time. And it was no secret to you or the rest of the island that Peter had a crush on you.

While Hook had his back turned you saw Peter flying and soon he was undoing the binds on your wrists. They were red and irritated and bled a bit from where you tried to get out of them. You stayed silent not wanting Hook to turn around.

Peter took one of your wrists and examined them before he clenched his jaw.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked quietly.

"No," you answered. He nodded and turned to see that Hook had a loaded pistol aimed right at you.

"You move and I'll kill her," Hook announced. You looked at Peter franticly but he just shook his head as a sign to not move, that he had a plan.

The lost boys ambushed Hook and the rest of his crew while you and Peter made a quick escape. Once everyone was back at camp Peter had you in his tree house making sure you weren't hurt.

"How did I not know he was right in my campsite? How did I not hear you?" He asked. You couldn't lie to him and he seemed so angry at himself for letting this happen.

"I kind of wandered off..." You said quietly wishing he wouldn't hear you but he did.

He walked closer and closer to you until you were up against the wall. He leaned down and whispered,

"You broke the rules and bad girls need to be punished."

Robbie Kay/Peter Pan Imagines *Requests Open*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن