For Pheobe

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A/N: Rugby is like American Football without padding

You followed the directions Robbie had texted you and looked around the field for him. He had invited you to watch his rugby game and help cheer him on. So far you had gone to the wrong field three times already and you were a bit frustrated. You had texted him about 10 minutes ago that he had given you some messed up directions but he hadn’t responded yet. You didn’t want to miss his game so you quickened your pace looking around at everything trying to find him.

While you were searching for him, already a bit late, he was already talking with his team mates about you and how much he liked you. Naturally as teenage boys, they took the piss out him for it, not that he minded much.

“So have you kissed her yet?” His friend asks a teasing tone to his voice.

“No,” Robbie replied looking down his cheeks becoming a slight shade of pink. You guys hadn’t kissed yet but that was only because he didn’t want to rush you on anything. Upon hearing this, the boys howled in laughter and mocking voices were used mercilessly while Robbie just smiled to himself thinking of you.

“Well, we have to get you to kiss her today,” stated his best mate Calum. Every head turned to his best mate as they waited for him to go on. They quickly schemed a plan and waited for you to arrive. When you finally showed up Robbie pointed you out to all his friends by yelling your name over and over and beckoning you to sit with the team until the game started.

“You gave me screwy directions and it took me forever to find this place!” you exclaimed as you sat on Robbie’s lap.

“Sorry love,” He replied as he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before taking his position on the field. As you sat where he once was you noticed all the guys giving him head nods and mocking smiles. You knew something was up but decided it was just boys being boys.

After halftime the entire team was exhausted and looked ready to pass out but they had to finish the game. During one of the plays a rather large player knocked Robbie over and you stood up immediately. He usually just brushed things like this off but he wasn’t moving. People started to crowd around him and that’s when you went running to his side. He looked unconscious and you were beyond worried about him. They told you not to move him but you shook him slightly anyway. One of his friends asked you to see if he still had a pulse. You leaned down to check his heart when he grabbed the back of your head and kissed you. After the kiss which you happily returned you stared at him and had an upset look on your face. His face fell seeing your reaction.

“Did you not want me to kiss you?” He asked voice quiet.

“No, the kiss was fine but how dare you scare me like that?! I thought something had happened to you!”  You scolded.

He laughed and pulled you into his chest reassuring you that it was just so he could kiss you in the first place. After that day you two were pretty much inseparable and his friends got quite the tongue lashing from you for making this whole thing up and scaring you half to death.  

Robbie Kay/Peter Pan Imagines *Requests Open*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora