My Allergies

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Joey was asleep on the top bunk and I slept on the bottom. I went to bed hoping, I would get some sleep but I thought wrong. Tyler was snoring like a pig in the living room, I could hear him clear as day! Joey on the other hand was snoring less loud than Tyler. Tyler could fall asleep a lot quicker than anybody else I know. You know what it normally takes for me to fall asleep? Tosses and turns and a sacrifice to the gods! Yeah, I'm not that heavy of a sleeper! I get insomnia rarely. 

At about four in the morning, my nose got stuffy. I get allergies every morning. Luckily, I had my very own bathroom. I got up and went to blow my nose with some toilet paper. Unfortunately, I woke Joey up on accident.

"Joey, I'm so sorry!" I said.

I was scared he would get mad at me or worse!

"What's a matter, kid? You got allergies?"

"Yeah. I get snotty and stuffy and sneezy every morning. I'm sorry I woke you."

"It's cool."

He noticed I was acting like I was getting ready to cry.

"Hey Sandy, come here."

I walked to the bunk beds.

"What's wrong?"


"Besides that. You scared of me?"

"A little bit."

"A little bit? You seem like it a lot."

"Throughout yesterday and four years of school together, I tried my very best to get on your good side."

"I don't have a side. I have me. Just me."

He looked at his wristwatch.

"I'm already up, thanks to you."

I felt horrible but I know he wasn't mad.

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