A New Roommate

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I didn't get any sleep that night because I was too nervous to sleep. Mom fixed biscuits and gravy for breakfast so that made me a bit happy. While we were eating, we heard a knock.

"I'll get it," Mom said.

She opened the door, it was an little old lady and a man...it was Joey! Oh crap! 

"Hi, everybody!" Grandma Bianchi said.

"Hi, Grandma Bianchi! How are you!? Hi, Joseph!"

"Hey, Dennis," Joey replied.

"And you know Sandy," Mom said to Joey.

Joey looked at me. I was pretty shy.

"Hey," I said to Joey.

"Hey," He replied.

"How've you been?" I asked him shyly.

"Pretty good. You?"


"Joey, this is my son, Tyler," Mom said.

"Hey, what's up?"

Tyler shook Joey's hand.

"What's up, man," Joey replied.

"Hey, babe, why don't you give Joseph a plate of breakfast," Dennis said to Mom.


Mom gave him some food. When Joey sat beside of me, Grandma Bianchi walked to him.

"You stay out of trouble, you hear me?"


"Good, I love you."

She gave him a peck on the check.

"Love you too, Grandma."

She left.

I was uncomfortable with Joey sitting next to me but I wasn't going to complain because of what Mom and Dennis said the night before.

"Sandy, Joseph is going to be sleeping on the top bunk bed in your room, ok? Since Tyler sleeps on the couch. Your room is the only option," Dennis said.

I nodded.

On the outside, I was ok with it. On the inside, I was scared of sharing a room with Joey Bianchi!

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