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It's already Monday and I'm so happy! I can't wait to see Jesy again. It feels like it's been forever when in fact it was only a day ago.
I may be slightly obsessed with her!

I got ready as fast as I could and made my way over to work. When I got there I noticed I was early.. really early to be exact. Oops?

Making my way over to the stage to practice a few songs, I saw Jesy walking over to me.
"Hey gorgeous" she smiled cheerfully.
"Hi" I said whilst blushing.

"So i had a lot of fun on Saturday, I hope you did too" Jesy said in her sexy tone of voice.
"I definitely did!" I proclaimed.
She nodded and started walking off, swaying her hips side to side.. in my opinion on purpose. I shook my head smiling! This girl.

The restaurant was slowly closing and people were beginning to leave. That was my cue to leave too. I began to clear my things and saw Jesy cleaning up. "Well I best be going Jes, see you tomorrow?" I asked.

"See you tomorrow Pez!" She replied.
I started walking away, when she pulled me into a hug. I felt myself go red.

"Bye" she breathed out. I smiled at her response. "Bye my Love" I whispered.

Sorry for not updating in so long! It's been forever, however I'm planning on updating at least weekly! My other book is my priority right now as the majority of you prefer that one! I update my other book a lot more. Be sure to read it if you don't already..❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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