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- J POV-
-beep beep-
My eyes opened rapidly at the sound of my ANNOYING alarm. Why do I use this bloody thing? I quickly turned it off and got out of bed.
'Time for work' is all that went through my head. Sighing I got my clothes out for the day, ripped jeans and a tank top should do the job.

I took a quick shower, then started applying my makeup. Going for a natural look I applied mascara, concealer, and a nude shade of lipstick. As for my hair I brushed it and put it in a high messy ponytail. Smiling to myself I walked downstairs.

As I was making some eggs and bacon I heard my phone go off. I placed the spatula down and grabbed my phone from the counter, "remember I'm employing someone to start working as a singer, not sure who yet but they'll definitely be starting soon. -boss"
After reading the text I quickly replied with an 'okay' before rushing over to the stove.

My cooking is the best! Why am I a waitress I should be on master chef for goddamn sake.
I laughed at my own joke whilst placing my dishes into the sink. It's only 11:30am, my shift isn't till 12. Oh well I best be going, knowing me I'll be late.

For goodness sake, I hate the sound of the door. Every time someone walks in it has to make that stupid sound.
I made my way over to the back and put on my uniform, once ready I walked to the front and waited patiently by the counter. Hoping no one would walk in.

10 minutes later I heard the most annoying door open. I looked up to see a blonde haired, blue eyed girl walking towards me. "Hi I'd like to hand in this slip, it's a job application." She said smiling.
"Oh s-sure, I'll hand it over to my boss."
She nodded before looking up at the menu.
"My names Perrie by the way"
"J-Jesy" I said stuttering.

Damn Jesy stop it, you've only just met her and your already stuttering. My thoughts didn't help at all, I couldn't help but stare at the beauty in front of me.
I quickly shook out my thoughts before focusing back at her.
"Everything fine? I've asked you twice for a regular white coffee."
"Yeh sorry, just thinking" I replied.

I turned to make the coffee, "here you are"
"Thanks" is all she said right before she walked off to an empty booth.

'God help me'

The blonde girl named Perrie.. (pesy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now