Chapter 26

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The first time I ever woke up next to Calum, it was incredible. It was a feeling in the world that nothing could beat… until now. Nothing could compare to the feeling of waking up to Calum, naked. And I mean it in the least sexual sense possible. There was no better feeling than his bare skin on mine. The warmth radiated from his body, to mine, as his muscular arms were slung around my waist. No clothing to interfere, just us. 

I carefully removed myself from the bed, making sure not to wake up Calum. I pulled the covers back up over his exposed body and pulled his t-shirt on over my head as I walked out to the kitchen. I started up the coffee pot and peeked in the fridge. The fridge was basically empty; I should’ve expected that. I pulled out a pack of cheddar cheese and two eggs, deciding to make myself some scrambled eggs.

Heating up the pan, I cracked the eggs in and began to stir them. The whistling and gurgling of the coffee pot filled the room. I added a sprinkle of cheese, still stirring the eggs.

“Looks good,” Calum whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

I giggled, looking back at him, setting the spatula down. “We can share them, if you’d like.” 

He kissed my neck once before sitting down at the table, yawning. “Sure, babe.”

I pulled out two mugs and filled them up with coffee, sliding them to Calum along with the milk and sugar. “Can you do my coffee for me please, babe?” I slid the eggs onto a plate and sat across from Calum at the table, putting the plate in between us. I noticed Calum was shirtless, and became a bit distracted. My eyes traveled to his tattoos and traced them slowly.

“Here,” Calum said breaking my gaze.

I took a sip of the coffee he handed me. “Thank you.” 

“What do you want to do today?” Calum asked me, taking a bite of the eggs. “We can do whatever you’d like.”

“Well, I’d like to just stay in the house with you all day and do nothing but I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think that we should go see my mom. I’m sure she’d love to meet you now, as my boyfriend.” I took a bite of the eggs.

He nodded in agreement. “Then we’ll go see your mom today. And tonight we’ll go on a date.”

“To where? The grimy cave?” I asked, adding a small laugh to the end of my sentence.

Calum dramatically gasped, pulling the plate close to him. “The cave isn’t grimy! Just for that I’m eating all your eggs.” Calum began shoveling the eggs into his mouth.

“Cal! I made those!” I grumbled. I attempted to pull the plate away but he was too strong.

“Say you’re sorry.” He said, looking at me.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, rolling my eyes.


I laughed, leaning in and kissing Calum gently.

“God, I love you.” He huffed, smiling. He slid the plate back to me.

“I love you too,” I replied. “But only when you don’t take my food.”


“I’m nervous,” Calum whined, leaning his head against the dashboard.

“There’s nothing to be nervous about.” I reassured him with a lie, I was actually nervous myself.

“Yes there is, your mother despises me.”

“She used to despise you. She doesn’t anymore.” I corrected him.

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