"Harry, I'm sorry that my life is such a mess but I could really use you right now."I say and Louis looks over to me with his eyelids halfway closed.

"Yeah, of course. Where do you need me?" He asks and I hear the back ground a voice tell him something.

"The pier." I say and immeadiately hang up the phone. It seemed like a dick move but I needed a little time to think to myself.

When I decide to look at the time I see that it's 10:45 and it's not close to time to go home. Well for my mom, she'll be at the station till after midnight, leaving me time to drop Louis off and clean my car out.

"Hey. Take this with you. You need it." Louis says when I park the car. I take a look and he has my set reclined to where he's laying down. He hands me his second joint and I accept the offer and take the joint in hand with the lighter.

I get out the car and walk over to the same spot I met Harry yesterday and I sit down on the bench. I kind of start to cry a little, small tears, one at a time which turned into full on sobbing.

I literally just found my ex crush body hanging from a tree and it's my fault. Even though she was an ass to me, I sort of didn't give her a chance and I made fun of her tea.

"Hey, royalty don't cry. They make the poor suffer." I hear from behind and see Harry sit next to me. As if it were automatic he puts his arm around my arms and pulls me to him, making me lay my head on his chest.

"I found a dead body." I speak out, my voice cracking a bit. I feel Harry's body tense up and he then caressed my body in his arms.

"Holy shit, I'm sorry you went through that." He says and I absentmindedly grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight as tears poured out of me.

"She killed herself and I can't even think of a logical reason, why." I croak out and he squeezes my body tighter and I sob harder into his chest.

"It okay, Niall. Let's try to sit up buddy." He says pushing my body slowly to sit up straight with perfect posture. He then instructs me to breathe in 6 and out on 7.

"Breathe in." He says with a soft reassuring hand on my lower back and the other sitting softly on my shoulder.

"Breathe out." He says and I comply. He smiles and brings his hand down to hold mine. I say and repeat the steps as so. He quickly gets me to calm down before i turn to look at him in awe.

"I work at the YMCA and I deal with kids who have bad panic attacks." He chuckles and looks at me. But when I say look at me, he actually is starting into my soul.

"What if she planned it when I left." I say out of nowhere let my thoughts become my words.

"Left where?" He asks softly rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb soothingly.

"When I left with you. She said she seen us leave, what if I triggered her last sad thought? And she lashed out on me because she was actually hurt? Not angry." I ask looking down and kind of tearing up again.

"No, Niall. You can't think like that." Harry says but I know deep down, he probably thought the same thing.

I killed her.

"Your an amazing guy, Harry. I couldn't thank you enough." I say and he smiles at the statement and reaches over and kisses my lips sweetly. He pulls away and looks at me with so much, adoration.

We begin to cuddle back into each other, ignoring the crisp air and enjoying each other. Just being us. Harry and Niall. And I liked that so much.

"Do you have family?" I ask staring out as his long arms loosened a bit around my body.

"Uh, yeah of course. I came from someone, right?" He says in his humorous tone and I smile a bit.

Date Night // Narry AU // Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now