Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 –


Finally School was over and it was now officially the weekend and to add the excitement, it is my birthday in 28 days WOOOO! It’s time for some serious party planning! Okay, so you may be thinking ‘isn’t it a little early for party planning’ but no it is never too early! I mean it is MY birthday, who can blame me for being a little excited eh?! ‘a little excited’ is the biggest understatement ever.... I AM MEGA EXCITED! I’m turning 15 soon but that doesn’t mean I can’t be a child sometimes, because you only live once you know!

I JUST REMEMBERED....MY BESTEST FRIEND KAYLA IS MOVING FROM OHIO TO LIVE WITH ME AND MY FAMILY IN CHESHIRE! *does the pat the dog screw the light bulb dance* I have been best friends with her since we were roughly 9 I think?! We met whilst i was on a family holiday in Ohio. My Auntie took me down to the local park and I, being me, ran straight to the swings and sat on the one next to where a girl, who was around the same age I was then, was playing on. Both being the competitive type, we wanted to swing high than the other. Eventually we gave up and jumped off the swings in unison, landing safely on the ground giggling like mad men. We started talking and messing around in the playground and we sort of clicked from there really. My auntie, who had been talking to Kayla’s, the girl who i was on the wings with, mum the whole time, had given her our hotel name, room number, a phone number and also my msn email, yes I had msn a 9 years old because i was a cool kid!

Since then we have Skyped, tweeted and Facebook chatted (A.N couldn’t think of a word that meant chatting using Facebook Chat so that will have to do!) and we have become really close! Kayla is just like a sister to me and I can tell her anything. It’s going to be so great to finally meet her again in person as we haven’t met up since my holiday in Ohio five years ago!

My mum and her mum are also really close, that is how the arrangement of Kayla coming to live with my family got sorted.

There is just one problem: she doesn’t know I am Harry Styles’ sister. Yes, she must have noticed we have the same surname and she most likely has her suspicions considering i live in Harry’s hometown, as i am his sister so obviously i live there, and she is quite bright.

It could go in two directions: one direction (A.N <---- am I the only one who was like ‘yaaaay!’ when you read ‘one direction’ only me?! Oh okay....) would be that she will totally freak out, not in front of him hopefully, and then hate me forever, yep you guessed it-she’s a directioner like myself. What?! I can still be a fan of my brother’s music, and his band mates of course ;), can’t I?! Oe she could simply freak out, again hopefully not in front of my brother, but still be my friend and hopefully understand why i haven’t exactly told her yet. I mean it’s not like I don’t trust her because I would trust her with my life, it’s just that !. I don’t really know how to say it and 2. Well its basically the same as number 1 but i can’t exactly say ‘Oh hi there, by the way did you know that I am the sister to one of the members of the hottest boy band ever?!’ can I?!

I guess I will have to wait and see....


Author’s note:

Okay so on word this seemed like 10000000000000 times longer but it is my first EVER fanfic because I did one chapter of a fanfic on twitter but didn't do anything else so.....I hope its okay! And please Vote, Comment and Fan! We can take criticism as long as it's not something like 'I hate this' please explain why so we can improve okay?!

Well love you all!

P.S follow me on twitter yeah? - @charlotte_njh1D and ask for a follow back if you want one

Anyways this chapter was written by me (Charlotte) and the next will be written by Kayla!

Love you all! <3 xx

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