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I don't understand. No one responds to me anymore. He won't leave my room. The only one that seems to notice my existence is terrified of me, and I don't know why! The guards don't notice me, but for whatever reason, I can't leave!

I tried talking to the young child today. As per usual, she screamed and turned away. I still continued to try, however. But she eventually just ran away.

The staff desperately need to clean the mirrors. I walked by one today and couldn't make out my reflection.

The little girl grew up. I think something is wrong with her, just yesterday she was a screaming child and now, she doesn't acknowledge me at all.

There's a new patient. He's a small child and I can only imagine what he did to get in here. He stares at me sometimes.

The boy talked to me today. What he said was rather confusing.

The boy is a teen now. He told me today to stop haunting him. I asked what he meant, but he ignored me.

There's a different person in my room.

The boy said I'm a ghost. But I didn't die? Even if I did ghosts aren't real. I'm beginning to see why he's here.

-- The Diary of the Deceased. --
Entry 86.
Dulcan Sukiwa
Asylum 27

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