You two did everything together: you sat at the same table during lunch, you partnered up with only each other in group activities, and you both even had desks next to each other! You two would always tell each other how you would be best friends forever, and never leave one's side. To seal that vow, you pinky promised! 

You finally knew what it was like to have someone care for you, to listen to you and treat you with respect. (Best friend's name) was the person you never thought existed, and it gave you hope in the world. Maybe life wasn't so bad after all...

Well, that friendship quickly came crashing down on one very unfortunate day. (Best friend's name) was moving. Moving to another state. Hundreds of miles away from you.

You were heartbroken. You've only known each other for a solid year, but it felt like you've known each other so much longer. You were crying, your only friend you've ever made...was leaving. What about the pinky promise? She/he told you not to cry, and that maybe one day, they would see each other again. And this is when the stuffed animal comes into place. 

BF/N's mother was great at sewing, she knew how to make the most beautiful sweaters, along with socks, and even stuffed animals. On the day of the move, BF/N gave you that same stuffed (animal), as a memoir of their friendship. It was the first gift you had ever gotten. You hugged her/him and said that you would never ever forget her/him for everything she/he has done to make you feel genuinely happy for the first time...


You silently sobbed, now knowing that your one and only gift was now going to be nothing but a distant memory for the rest of your sad, sad life.

"I'm gonna tell everyone how you cried like a baby over a stuffed animal!" Nurf cackled, "oh boy, this is great. I've never had an easier victim to displease! I think I deserve a reward for this."

Without thinking, you walked towards him eyes full of anger and sadness, "here's your reward," you croaked out, and you kicked him right where the sun don't shine.

Nurf yelped in pain and fell to the ground holding his 'no-no' area, "ah! Y-you fucking cunt! I'm gonna slit your throat and watch you bleed out with the biggest smile on my face!"

"Go fuck yourself, fat-ass," you replied, your tone venomous. You turned around to walk away, but you suddenly felt something slice through the side of your jeans, creating a large tear in that area. No question that it was Nurf's knife, but you weren't scared for a second. "Nice try," you said, "but try harder next time if you want a reaction fro-"

 Nurf immediately stood up and grabbed you by the neck, slamming the back of your head into the nearby tree while still holding you.

His tone was deep and villainous, "now that I've got you right where I want you, I don't even have to try to get that reaction," he slowly brought his knife towards your neck, his eyes full of evil intentions, "I'm going to enjoy every second of this."

You squirmed, trying desperately to be released from his grasp. He was choking you, and he was now also going to slit your throat. You have never felt more of an awful deja vu. This is just like home. Just like your dad.. There was no escaping the pain and torment, and if this was the end of it, at least it would all be over. 

"Fuck it," you thought as his knife drew closer to an exposed part of your neck, "I'm ready for you, death.."

"Hey!" A distant voice called out, getting Nurf's attention, while you were trying to choke in tiny breaths of air as his grip slightly loosened, "put her down, asshole," they said.

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