Ch. 27 (PG-13, D): The Right Thing

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Somerset: A Time to Love", Ch. 27 (PG-13, D): The Right Thing,
December 30 2017 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #1131 & on Wattpad)

("Somerset: A Time to Love" is an original contemporary romance copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace, 2017; All rights reserved) [(1) story cover, left]

Author'sDramatic Content Note: I writeromantic love stories for adults, aged 18 and older. So most of the chapters will be PG-13 due tomature themes (M), or dramatic moments (D). And some of the chapters haveromantic and sensual, but not explicit, love scenes that I will label as (L),and such. So if you are unable orunwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide, then please do notread that chapter. This is my disclaimer

Additional Disclaimer: The Wiki and other reference links that I cite contain general information merely to allude to a place, person, concept/theory/belief, history, or artifact, etc. This story is a work of fiction, and people and their thoughts and actions are figments of my imagination and should not be taken as real or as fact. And though the general backgrounds of the characters and the story's contextual setting involve mentions of the Christian religion-with an Anglican/Episcopal focus-this story is a romance, not a religious tract.

[And from time to time, I will illustrate my story with my dream cast of: Richard Armitage as Prof. Benedict Somerset, Jennifer Ehle as Laura Leicester, Loretta Devine as Connie Velasquez, John Lithgow as Seminary President Maynard Casten, and Jane Alexander as his wife Portia Casten, Charles Dance as Benedict's father Edward Somerset, Helen Mirren as Benedict's Mother Elizabeth Somerset, Dawn French as Benedict's elder sister Lady Alexandra Somerset Solsbury, James Nesbit as Benedict's elder brother Edmund Somerset, Chris Pine as Laura's younger brother Steve Leicester, Max Charles as 5 yr old Caleb Somerset, Samantha Colley as Lady Alexis Solsbury, and others as noted.]

Author's recap from the previous chapter: Amid Benedict and Laura considering staying in England for the next few years to be around Benedict's aged parents, Steve's and Lady Alexis' nascent feelings for each other are deepening-especially so for Steve, who wants to marry her. Of course Lady Alexis' mother and her Uncle Benedict were suspicious about Steve's pronouncement and interrogated him about his suitability, given his prior history with women during his twenties and how much his law firm position earned him. Steve also gave details about the recent and sizeable inheritance they will receive soon from a maternal aunt. So Steve is tacitly given the approval to court and then to seek Lady Alexis' hand in marriage. Steve just has to see of Lady Alexis wants that, wants him.

"Somerset: A Time to Love", Ch. 27: The Right Thing

What with Steve Leicester tacitly brokering Lexi Lady Bath's and Lord Benedict's approval to court and possible marry Lady Alexis Solsbury, the only person whom Steve needs to consult with-apart from her father Ian Solsbury, the Earl of Bath-is Lady Alexis herself.

Lady Alexis: "What questions?" Lady Alexis asks, while looking innocently at Steve and everyone else, in his sister's, and her soon to be Aunt Laura's, hospital room. Lady Alexis had not been in the room for the whole Steve wants to marry Lady Alexis discussion. The room is quiet and still.

Steve: "Alexis, I don't know about you, but I'm in need of some caffeine-and a less sterile ambiance." He notices the drab pale green walls for the first time-their attention prior to this has been so focused on getting everyone through their transplant operation and well enough to be released from the hospital, that the décor was irrelevant. "Let's grab a cappuccino at the coffee shop across the street from the hospital. Hmmm?" He smiles hopefully.

"Somerset:  A Time to Love",  by Gratiana Lovelace (2017) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now