Chapter 6

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Damn what were the odds of me running into Desire out here in California. She still looked beautiful as always, but I wasn't expecting this feeling that I was feeling right now.

I had butterflies in my stomach and I felt nervous.

I could tell she was faded cause she had that glossy look in her eyes. She kept looking at me licking her lips.

"Desire are you married? Do you have children?" I asked her.

She just looked at me like I was tripping.

"We haven't seen each other in year's and this is what you ask me. No I'm not married yet. I have two twin girls." she said.

Damn someone was gonna marry the woman that I thought would be my wife and have my children.

"So who is the lucky man?" I asked.
She looked at me and laughed. She gave me that are you serious look.

"Have you been living under a rock? Drake is going to be my husband." she said.

"Wait the rapper Drake? Jumpman Jumpman Drake?" I asked to make sure.

She laughed at me. I guess I was acting like the fan I was. Shit his song Hate Sleeping Alone I listened to thinking about her.

"Yes that Drake. Well I call him Aubrey." she smiled.

That's when I caught it. That look that she once had when she talked about me. I saw the sparks in her eyes as she thought of him.
I saw the way she shifted in her seat because her pussy just throbbed thinking of him.

Those were the things I missed about this woman.

Then I felt jealousy and I felt anger. She was made for me not some fucking rapper who was probably fucking everything moving. Hell he was it was always on the blogs.

"Desire are you happy? Cause if you were you wouldn't be out getting saucy right now." I said.

Here can the attitude. "Just because I'm out drinking doesn't mean that I am not happy with my man. I just got into a fight with my brother and my sister. Wait I don't have to explain shit to you." she said.

She swallowed the rest of her drink and stood up.

"Have a good night Matthew." she said than turned to the door.

Damn I just watched her walk away again. She was beautiful and this had to be fate that I ran into her again.

After Desire and I broke up every girl I was with after her I compared to her and none of them measured up.

She was my everything at one point, but when you're young you don't understand what you have.

I cheated on her and I put my hands on her. Not punching her but I would shake her and toss her around.

I regretted that everyday of my life she was all I wanted and thought about over the years.

If I knew than what I know now her children would be mine and she would be about to marry me.

I was going to make it my business to run into her again.


What the fuck were the odds of that? Matthew was in California my goodness.

"Damn he still fine as hell." I said to myself speeding home to my man.

Lord please don't let this man being around get me into any trouble at all.

There was a time when I could not resist Matthew. Even after all the fucked up shit he did I stayed. Hell just like with Aubrey.

He was the man I thought would father my children. I thought he would be my husband.

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