Chapter 1

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It is so crazy how I am in the same place as Lexi right now but I'm not with her. I don't even know how it got to this. She was never the type of girl to scam her peoples, but shit money will make you do some fucked up shit.

I was loading my gun ready to kill these muthafuckaz that my people got beef wit. Shakeya and Biz is my family so I will kill the whole city for them.

She walked in the room and I almost lost my thoughts. She was still the most beautiful girl in the world to me.

"Can I talk to you Chase?" she asked me in a soft voice.

"Lex you know you can always talk to me. Nothing has changed on my end. My feelings for you are still the same." I said still loading my gun.

She sat down next to me. Her perfume was my drug. It was so intoxicating and inviting. I had to control myself.

"Look Chase I never meant to hurt you. I was trying to get back at my family all because of what my Aunt Charlene told me. And me fucking with August was to basically hurt Desire. I never stopped loving you." she said with tears in her eyes.

I don't even know how to take what she was saying to me.

"Ma I ain't mad. You was doing what you felt you needed to do. In all reality you could have just came to me and told me what was up." I said.

I got up and walked out. I left her sitting there. I wasn't about to get into no big ass thing with her right now cause I had shit to do.

I wasn't about to let her fuck my mind up and have me out here slipping.

Her man August was here looking like he wanted to pop off not knowing I would drop his ass.

I guess we can get into all of that when this business is finished.


I just felt like a conversation needs to be had between Chase and myself. He was my everything and I was his. We were like Bonnie and Clyde. All the feelings that I had of not being loved he changed all of that.

He loved me pass all of my hurt pain and insecurity. He taught me how to be sexy and feel like a woman.

I care about August but I am very much in love with Chase. He is my everything.

When I went out into the living room with everyone August just gave me this look like really.

"Shad can I do anything?" I asked him.

"Nah I got it." he said.

My own damn brother that I share the same mother and father with couldn't stand me. It hurt cause I really dreamed of what my life would have been like if I had grown up with him and Desire.

I felt so unwanted and so useless right now. A feeling that I haven't felt in a long time. All I ever wanted was a family and to be loved.

I had to prove to my brother and sister that I am not the monster that they think I am.


My one daughter , daughter in law, and all my grandchildren are all in Canada. If I would have known that me getting this money the way that I did would have put all these wheels in motion I wouldn't have done it.

I would have tried to be one of them blue collar brothers that Eva always wanted me to be. I never knew how to live that kind of life cause all I know how to do is hustle.

Flash Back..

"Carlos why do you have to be in the streets? You have children now. You can run around like some street thug your whole life." Eva yelled at me.

Once again she was mad cause I was out in the streets all night getting money.

Shad was in school and Desire was like 10months old. She was laying in her pack in play sleeping.

"Eva! I'm not about to sit here and fucking argue with your ass about this again! So fucking stop!" I shouted waking up Desire.

I picked her up and I laid her up against my chest rubbing her back. She fell right back to sleep cause she loved her daddy.

"Why can't you just get a regular job? Just be here with me and your kids like a real family." Eva said.

Looking down at my beautiful sleeping baby girl in my arms meant everything to me.

Then reality hit and I wouldn't be able to give my kids all the things that they wanted on a regular nine to five.

"If you keep doing this Carlos I am going to take my kids and go." Eva said.

Everytime she said that it broke my damn heart cause my kids were my life.

Back to present day...

That's when it hit me. Charlene would never be in the place they are thinking she would be.

This is all about me having Kelly kill King after I told her that he was her father. Charlene is going to go after my pride and joy. She was going to go after Desire.

I called Desire but she didn't answer. I called her again no answer. I texted her and she said yes.

I rushed out of the door without saying a word.

If I never been the father that Desire needed growing up and will be the father that she needed right now.

If Charlene hurt my baby girl i would kill every child that she has living til she has nothing.

I pulled up at the airport and my private jet was gassed and ready to go.

The whole time I just thought back to those days when I use to just hold my baby girl in my arms.

How the fuck did I let this shit get to this point.

"You never listen to me Chico. You rather be in the streets. That's why I didn't want you around my children cause they aren't safe around you." I heard Eva say.

With tears rolling down my face all I could was pray that my baby girl was fine and that Aubrey would keep her and my grandkids protected.

Charlene would pay a great price if something happened to them. I would spend the rest of my life in prison.

"Eva I promise I will make all of this right. I love you and them I would give my life for Desire." I said.

Just hold on baby girl I'm on my way.

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