The Picture (Cooper's POV)

Start from the beginning

But then more confident thoughts come into mind. 

I remember the way she looked at me during church. She was surprised yet happy to see me. And at the wedding, one of the reasons I fell on love with her came back to me. During the speech she made everyone fall in love with her. She is so kind, genuine, and funny. Then I remember what Molly told me at the wedding. She told me how Ryder is a shitty boyfriend, and doesn't treat her as well as she should be. How he doesn't compare to me.

 I saw living proof of it. He wouldn't even dance with her! Now, that's just fucking stupid. That's why I danced with her that night. Man it felt so good to hold her again, and she looked.. So fucking beautiful it hurt myself to think that I let her go. As I looked in her eyes, I knew something was different. Her eyes were dull, but still beautiful. They were more vibrant when she was with me, but now, they were normal. And my dumb mouth told her. I really beat myself up for that one. 

I knew what we had wasn't something someone was lucky enough to have. We had a real connection, and strongest bond I have ever felt in my life. She was my everything, but I couldn't have her. She was too good for me. 

That's why I didn't visit her while I was in jail. I knew if I even just saw her once, I ruin her life. I would keep her waiting for me until I got out. I couldn't do that to her. She had too much potential in her future. Now look at her, she's a vet, at the age of 20. Who can say that in their life? 

I pulled the tee shirt down my chest as I walked over to the burning fire and then ran my fingers through my hair. I stopped in my tracks when I thought I heard something outside, but realize it was probably the storm. I sit down in front of the fire place, and pull my kneels to my chest and then crossing my ankles and wrapping my arms around my knees. 

I liked it out here, it was quiet. Quiet enough to hear yourself think, but not too quiet that you feel isolated. During my moment of peace, I jumped when I heard the front door slam open. "What the hell is this." DaKota said in a demanding voice, holding the picture in her hand. Her body language told me she wasn't going to take any bullshit from me, it was very intimidating and sexy at the same time. 

I didn't know what to do, I didn't think she was going to come up here. I didn't know what to say to her. I wanted her to explain what she thought it meant. She turned her head to the wall and bit her lip, and then looks back at me with fire in her eyes. "And what the hell is up with that whole 'mysterious' look? That's all you do, you stare at me and say nothing! You just came back from a year and half in jail and say nothing?! Not even a 'Hey DaKota, it's nice to see you' or 'how are you'? All I get is a dance with no words exchanged. Oh wait nevermind, I did get a 'your eyes aren't the same color'. So makes it a little bit better." I knew what she said was true, I was being really weird. I couldn't help it, she made me feel so nervous and scared that she wouldn't care about me anymore. But she had to know what I felt. 

"They have changed color." I say in a soft confident tone. 

"Yeah so what?" She restrained herself from rolling her eyes. 

"When we were together they were greener, now they're more brown." I tell her gain, trying to get her pick up what I'm putting down. 

"You're going to have to elaborate more for me." Man, she is a sharp woman. 

I think about spilling my whole shower thoughts to her but then I realize I don't have any valid points. "It doesn't matter." I sigh and look back into the fire. 

I see her walk around the couch and stand five feet away from me. "Why doesn't it matter, Cooper?" A fire lit inside me when she said my name, making me look at her.

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