Dead!America x Child!Reader ~Live With The Angels

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As ________ Jones walked through the school halls she was excited. Today she going to visit her daddy because its was Father's Day. As she continued to walk to the front doors of her school, four other children a little older than her came up.

"Hey ______!" said one. "Hello," she said. "What are you getting your dad for Father's Day?" one boy asked. "A flower," she said. All the other kids started laughing. "Why would you get your dad a flower? Is he gay or something?" A girl asked while all of them continued laughing.

She didn't get to answer before all four of them began to walk away still laughing while one said,"What a dork!" _______ only sighed through her nose and continued walking out of the school.

She finally got out of there and began to skip on the way she had walked fairly often. She was so excited to see her daddy! It was very rare that her mommy ever let her visit him.

She finally got there and opened the large black gate and began to skip again to the site. As she neared a large hill with a tree on it she stopped and grinned.

"Hi daddy!! Happy Father's Day!!" She said as she plopped down in front of the tombstone. She pulled a rose out of her back pack and placed it by the tombstone. "I got you a present and a card," with that said, she pulled a blue, white, and red card out of her back pack too.

"I miss you daddy!! Mommy misses you too and she even let me visit you today. Daddy....if you were still here do you think mommy would be happy?" The little girl asked. No answer. "I think she would...We got a new puppy though! We named him hero after you daddy!" She stated. Again, no answer.

The bright smile on the little girls face began to fade little by little. "Daddy I have to go. It was great seeing you again..." No answer,"I love you daddy..." No answer,"Bye bye daddy...." No answer.

The little girl slowly walked down the hill. Tears in her eyes because her daddy never answered. She hoped he was happy in heaven with the angles now.

Sometimes ________ wished she could live with the angles like daddy so that way he would answer her when she talked or said something.

_______ had finally arrived home from the grave yard and as she marched upstairs to her room she couldn't help but whisper to herself," I wish I lived with the angles too."

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